Recognize Mistakes To Mature

Recognize mistakes to mature

It is quite normal to make mistakes in life. But, the way we will react to them can allow us to evolve, learn and accumulate experience.

There are two main ways of reacting to failure, and we’ll walk you through them.

1. Try to cover up failure, blame it on others or run away from it :  doing this will only bring bad consequences.

This is not the way you can learn things about the mistakes you have made, and it increases the likelihood of repeating them. This type of behavior can lead to frustration and self-guilt.

We can deceive others, and portray perfection, but we cannot deceive ourselves forever.

Not recognizing a mistake prevents us from maturing and growing as a person. When things are hidden, they are repressed and produce unwanted effects.

Conversely, when they are exposed in full light, they allow us to become aware of reality, and the means we have to modify it. 

2. Recognize your mistakes with humility and seek to understand how to avoid them in the future: this is the best way to succeed in changing what is wrong. This method also brings peace of mind.

If we ignore our mistakes, how can we learn anything? Recognizing your faults allows you to open up to others, to realize what you have done wrong, and to change things.

Accepting one’s failures is the prerogative of the courageous, for it takes recklessness to face the consequences of one’s actions and to accept external criticism.

Recognizing a mistake allows you to step back and see things from a broader perspective, which makes it possible to analyze the situation properly.

He who is never wrong is unlikely to succeed

No human being is perfect, and we all need to learn throughout our lifetimes. And we always learn more from the experiences we have directly.

People who say they never make mistakes don’t often need to take risks, and above all seek to stay in their comfort zone.

The less risks we take in our life, the less likely we are to make mistakes.

If a boat constantly sails on the same sea route, it will surely not encounter too many problems, but will not have the opportunity to have new experiences and see new landscapes.

When we want to portray a picture of perfection, and we don’t recognize our mistakes, we put ourselves in a position that will harm us.

We act in our life like a business leader who refuses to take responsibility, who is always right and who always puts the blame on others.

If we face life with this attitude, others will cease to perceive our human side. And they may no longer wish to approach a person who never admits being wrong.

No one wants to have perfect friends who think they are above others. People who behave like bossy, perfect business leaders or fathers, who never make mistakes, have very few friends.

Recognizing Your Mistakes: 5 Important Benefits

1. You will offer a more human face to others,  who will perceive you as humble and sincere people.

2. Self-knowledge:  recognizing your mistakes will help you get to know yourself better. It is not good to know only your own qualities. You have to know how to look at yourself in a mirror, and accept good things, as well as bad ones.

3. You will live a more sincere life,  which will bring you a feeling of security and well-being.

4. Happiness:  Life doesn’t have to be perfect. Making mistakes is part of life’s trials and is not a failure, but rather a real learning process.

5. You will develop tools to better face adversity in your life.  Every mistake you make, if accepted and overcome, will help you develop a greater tolerance for frustration.

Getting it wrong is not such a bad thing. It means that you have tried something, and that you have tried to have new experiences. 

If you are able to recognize what makes you unhappy, you will be much freer. The image that others will have of you will be much better than if you hide your human and imperfect side. This type of behavior only breeds sadness, lies and isolation.

If we reserve the possibility of making mistakes, we will gradually learn to be more flexible and tolerant with ourselves.

All of these tools will allow us to flourish and grow as a person. 

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