My Dog ​​is Not My Pet, He Is My Family

It is often said that those who have never had a pet, who have never known what it is to live with a cat or a dog, do not know the most secure and the most secure love. more disinterested …

The love that we offer without expecting anything in return, love devoid of all resentment, makes your life a more pleasant, more pleasant and more authentic scenario.


When we say “pet”, we think of this domestic animal that cohabits with human beings. But that’s not all: the pet does not only coexist with human beings, it is an integral part of their family.


Certainly many will find it difficult to understand this idea, especially if for them, the word “family” refers to this union depending exclusively on blood ties and establishing a very particular type of relationship and kinship.

Yet this word contains a wide variety of nuances. Sometimes, blood ties are not enough to “found a family”, because these ties are based on reciprocity, important relationships and this everyday authenticity that unites us and which makes us so need to be surrounded. people than animals.

Any positive emotion, wherever it comes from, enriches us and makes us grow. Thus, it does not matter if each day, we make a place on the sofa for our pets, near our companion or our children.

Some people will surely laugh at you if you explain to them that every morning your cat wakes you up, or that your dog guesses before your own father that you are sad.

Our pets are also part of our emotional life ; we collect them, we integrate them into our family and we recognize them as an intimate part of our own microcosm, in other words of our family.

When you are adopted by a pet

Do you know what it’s like to be adopted by a companion animal? When an animal comes into your life, it watches you with shyness and surprise, because the human world is too complex for them.


We human beings are inconstant, we oscillate between moments of anger and moments of happiness, we sometimes feel resentment, and what we love today will fascinate us tomorrow. But, dogs and cats are always equal and expect only one thing: to be loved.


When you are adopted by a pet, a lot of things change in you, without you necessarily realizing it.

However, through their honest, playful and sincere looks, our animals can read much more things in us than we think.

– By adopting a pet, we suddenly discover that we are the center of an animal’s attention, that it depends on us… and we on it. We love this moment when we come home, and where we are received with this overwhelming joy.

– They need to be integrated into our family as one more member. They like routine and habits, they appreciate that we always treat them the same way, without incongruity.

– When adoption becomes full integration, we all change a bit. They become protectors, we are their closest links, and their referents.

– In the same way, they represent for us this emotional relief of every day. They are our silent confidants, the comfort of our sadness and the explosion of moments of laughter and relaxation.


When we are adopted by a pet, our family is bigger, and our heart stronger. Taking care of them will then be an obligation, but loving them is the most beautiful privilege.

My pet is unique to me, and I am unique to him


If there is one rewarding aspect when it comes to integrating a dog or a cat into our family, it is the feeling of being the center of their existence.

For them, it doesn’t matter if one day you get up on the wrong foot, or if today the day ended badly because you failed to achieve your daily professional goals …


For them, for our animals, we are always the same no matter what. It doesn’t matter your mistakes, your inattention, your appearance, let alone what your past is. They live in the moment and only know how to show you that you are someone who deserves to be loved


Sometimes, obsessed with our daily worries, our haste and our responsibilities, we miss the looks of our dogs, our cats … and yet, we should be more careful.

They fully live every moment that it is offered to them to live. Yesterday does not exist and tomorrow does not make sense; all they want is to have a good time with you, always hoping it is the best, the most intense, the most relaxed and the happiest.

They aren’t demanding, they’ll never judge you, and they have the subtle ability to push us to be our best.

When you come home and the sadness is on your face, your pets, your family, know well what to do to make your sorrows run away in an instant.


They always accept a hug, a caress and a kind word. They let themselves be loved and expect you to do the same. They are loyal creatures who make our daily life an adventure filled with anecdotes and loving moments that will always sleep on the best side of your heart.

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