Regret What You Don’t Do, Not What You Do

Regret what you don't do, not what you do

Do not regret what you have taken, the courage you have put into every action to achieve your goal or your dream. To regret what one did only because it did not go as one expected is absurd and it is a waste of energy and time. What if everything had gone well? Would you regret it?

If the answer is no, then you don’t regret taking the plunge and taking the plunge. What leads to real regret is not having anticipated that your expectations might be frustrated. It is life, however, it is thus.

Failure should serve us to learn and even to try again with the lessons we have learned from the new experience.

Staying in your comfort zone, dreaming about what could have happened is indeed a source of regret. In this case, we no longer want to achieve our goals. We are content with a life without emotions and with great fear which frustrates us even more.

But frustrations and disappointments are a part of life. They will come sooner or later, whether you don’t risk yourself or jump into the void with a project. They will happen from another side: in the family, in your relationship, in your work… And even the lack of risk can become a frustration.

Don’t collect regrets

All of your decisions, all of your actions, all that you dreamed of, that you fought for and said for today configures your being, the person you are, the place you have focused on and guided your life with. life. No one should regret who they are and how they live.

It is obvious that success is overvalued in this company and it seems that only the one who ends up triumphing is deserving of value.

We value the result too much, but we do not do as much with the progress, the sacrifice and the effort of all the people who leave their skin for their goals. Knowing that sometimes everything will go well and other times they will lose their bet.

This essence is the one that is really valuable. To have a goal that pushes us to continue living. Love him, risk his money, his time and his work for him. In reality, this is what motivates and strengthens us, and not so much the result. The dream of building what we want is what makes us wake up every morning and feel a little happier.

So do not regret what you do, regret if you want what you did not try for fear of failing. And don’t berate yourself because you have listened to your fear too much, but realize that you have let yourself be guided by an emotion. An emotion that has passed, replaced by what could have happened.

Do not worry. We can also learn from all of this. We are not perfect and we often allow ourselves to be guided and manipulated by emotions. But you have to learn from them and it is possible. Hit the table and decide to fly once and for all, no matter what!

Be brave to undertake the flight, but also to manage the fall

The mature person is one who has dreams but also has his feet on the ground. He is a person who knows himself well and who accepts himself unconditionally, who knows very well how far he can or cannot go.

She knows her limits and potential, and according to them, she makes a plan and is able to implement it because she has enough control over the situation.

When we talk about control, we mean anything that can really be controlled, of course. That is, to what depends on ourselves: frustrations, actions, decisions, tolerance etc.

They are courageous people, who have their heads in the present, but who imagine a better future. They want to enjoy life to the fullest and not just half-savoring it, like someone who looks disgusted when he discovers a new taste. Their way of thinking is summed up as follows: “If we are here to live, then let’s live. If things go wrong, you’ll see how we handle them. ”

That doesn’t mean they’re crazy people who don’t know what they’re doing. The impulsive, in reality, are scared to death. Their maturity and emotional intelligence make them more courageous but also responsible and far-sighted.

The key is that they don’t panic when they think of possible failures. In fact, since they are realistic, they do not perceive anything as probabilities, but as possibilities.

What are you waiting for to be a little more courageous? Do you think you stay by the wayside all your life, not knowing how to swim in the sea? You are here to live, to take risks, to achieve dreams and discover the magic behind. And if you fail, you will learn and take on a new flight. Never regret what you are doing if it is fear that is keeping you from doing what you are not doing.

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