The Rose And The Toad

The rose and the toad

Once upon a time there was a very beautiful red rose. How wonderful to know that she was the most beautiful rose in the garden. Yet she realized that people were watching her from afar.

One day she realized that next to her there was still a large dark toad, and that was why no one approached her. Indignant at this discovery, she ordered the toad to leave immediately. The very obedient toad said to him: “It’s okay, if that’s what you want”.

Shortly after, the toad walked over to where the rose was and was surprised when he found it totally wilted, with no leaves or petals.

He then said to him: “You don’t look in good shape, what happened?”. The rose replied: “It’s because since you left, the ants eat me a little more every day and I can never be the same again.”

The toad only replied: “Obviously, when I was there, I ate these ants and that is why you were the most beautiful rose in the garden”. 


We often belittle others because we think we are more beautiful or that they are simply useless.

We all have something special to learn from others or something to teach, and no one should belittle the other. It may even be that someone is doing you good without your realizing it. 

Traditionally, society has been divided into classes, since belonging to a socio-economic status makes one feel superior or inferior to other people. 

What is certain is that, although looking over the shoulder of our neighbor is very common today, we must feel equal and of the same value as others, no more and no less. .

Discovering and stimulating our worth is important for us to feel good, balanced and to have healthy social relationships.

We are neither more nor less than the others. The feeling of superiority is a burden of the same magnitude as the feeling of inferiority. These complexes are the seal of the uncertain. 

To belittle someone because you think you are superior is a sign of too much self-esteem.

It is a way of compensating for the pain produced by self-perceived deficiencies, bringing out the qualities that distinguish us or thanks to which we believe we stand out.

These people often believe themselves to be perfect and are rigid in their convictions. They can get angry easily, be emotionally unstable, and lie (since they want to show a false image of themselves).

They are competitive and can surround themselves with people of lower status, intelligence or ability, in order to throw flowers at each other.

Therefore, these people adopt almighty and arrogant attitudes, like that of the rose with the toad. 

In fact, one could say that the superiority complex is the sequel to an unresolved inferiority complex.

These two complexes often tend to occur in the same people under different circumstances.

A person who does not see himself as inferior in some aspects does not need to proclaim himself to be superior. If that person is skillful or courageous in one area, reality will adequately show it.

Everyone, absolutely, has a job to do in this life for and with others. What we learn with our neighbor, we will not learn with anyone else because each one, in his individuality, is unique and indispensable. 

This is why it is better to be a toad and to contemplate your surroundings while doing your job, and enjoying our life and that of others.

Whether you are beautiful or not, like the rose, largely depends on what you bring to others and what others bring to you.  

Image by marchesini62 

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