Are You An Acting Or Reacting Person?

Action or reaction? That is the question !
Are you a person who acts or who reacts?

But why ask ourselves if we are a person who acts or reacts? It is true that we have probably never thought about these two concepts which, in reality, are very important. In fact, in the world of work, they guide a good number of professional careers, depending on the person’s inclination for one of the two terms. Let’s take a closer look.

We all have a friend or acquaintance who keeps advancing, whether professionally or in some other field. A person who always goes out in search of opportunities and challenges that push her to be successful in life. And it is possible that we know of another who, on the contrary, seems completely stuck in her work. A person without ambitions who, from the outside, looks like a leaf whipped by the wind. This is the main difference between a person who acts and a person who reacts.

A person who acts take initiatives

We still don’t know if we are an acting or reacting person? In this case, the first thing to do is to find out whether we have the initiative or not.

This is a  skill that is highly valued in the world of work: of course we are talking about proactivity.

person who acts or reacts

When we take initiatives, we carry out certain actions that transform us into generators and not receivers. For example, instead of waiting to find a job offer that gives us the work opportunity we so much hope for, we directly contact the companies that interest us. We can do this through a cover letter sent by email.

This is a good track to know if we are a person who acts or who reacts. We don’t wait. We take the lead, try and move forward.

It doesn’t matter whether we find ourselves facing closed doors, “no’s” or failure. We are proactive, we do what we can and this, even if we don’t believe it, allows us to have options. Alternatives which, if we follow the other option, do not always bear fruit immediately.

A responsive person expects results

We already know a difference between  the person who acts and the one who reacts. If we haven’t identified with the first one, let’s see what the second does. But be careful, this point does not mean that we do not devote ourselves entirely to our work.

We may be working a lot; however, the results are always the same. We are that shadow on the wall that no one sees. Why ? Because we didn’t tell others we were there. We can even go so far as to hide our skills, as if they are a source of shame.

Sometimes we can be comfortable being a reacting person. Other times we might want to be more active, even though we don’t know how. In the end, this disorientation prevents us from activating ourselves or pushes us to stay in our comfort zone. An area where stress and fear reign.

person who acts or reacts

The Two Sides of the Reaction

Being a person who acts or reacts is an attitude that we choose and that leads us to different results. If we are people who have a tendency to react, we will be able to be happy in our work without experiencing the stress of novelty,  moving forward in a quiet routine and without change. However, if we are looking for something bigger, this attitude can become a real burden.

What happens when we wait for things to happen? Usually, we get frustrated and complain about our bad luck. Because as we have already mentioned, we want to be proactive but do not know where to start.

The fact of identifying ourselves with a person who acts or reacts is linked to our personality. If we are people who tend to react, we will need some time before we feel comfortable in the opposite dynamic. Know that this is not a negative point, on the contrary. This means that we are flexible enough to take action when we need it.

Do you identify more with reaction than with action? We would like to remind you that neither is better or worse than the other. They are simply different forces that will lead you on different paths. You have the right, however, to change your attitude at any time when you feel that things are not going the way you want them to be.


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