The 3 Emotional Wounds Of The Past That Do Not Allow You To Move Forward

The 3 emotional wounds of the past that keep you from moving forward

They say the past always comes back, and it’s true. Every day of our life is the result  of what we bring with us. Although we eliminate events that have already occurred from our consciousness, they remain present in who we are today and who we will be tomorrow. This is why it is so important to heal the emotional wounds of the past.

Something similar  happens with emotional wounds from the past  to physical wounds. If they heal and heal, they leave a mark, but they no longer hurt. On the other hand, if they are not treated properly, they will interfere again and again. They can even reopen or get worse.

Many think that it is enough to forget what happened, not to think about it or not to give it importance. However, we cannot achieve this with the simple decision to do so. In practice,  all the emotional wounds of the past remain in effect, through an unconscious process. Let us see below three of these emotional traces that can continue to climb in our life and affect it negatively.

1. Emotional wounds from the past related to self-esteem

Self-esteem is sometimes seriously challenged by past experiences. The different forms of rejection  generate suffering, regardless of the conditions in which they occur. This is something that hurts every human being.

emotional wounds from the past

When this rejection  is systematic, whether it occurred at an early age or comes from highly loved figures, it turns into an emotional wound that is difficult to heal. Indeed, mockery, mockery, devaluation, constant criticism or unfounded guilt, do a lot of harm to those who are the object.

Damage to self-esteem is emotional wounds from the past that can take a lifetime. Sometimes they may never fully heal. However,  with the right preparation, we can always achieve that they stop being a drag on  self- confidence, assertiveness and feeling optimistic about life.

2. The emotional wounds of the past related  to autonomy

Emotional injuries related to autonomy relate to situations in which excessive control has been exercised over the person. The usual thing is that a figure with power over an individual has exercised arbitrary dominance, thus harming personal autonomy.

recovering from the emotional wounds of the past

These injuries correspond to all actions aimed at limiting the freedom and the capacity to decide. They occur when a person is frequently corrected and punished for unclear reasons. When the person is constantly frowned upon, or called to account for their actions in great detail, too. When it is called useless or incapable.

This type of emotional wounds from the past  generates many difficulties in taking the initiative or deciding on various aspects. They make the person submissive and passive, or extremely rebellious for no apparent reason.

3. The emotional wounds of affection

The emotional wounds of the past that weigh the most are those of affect. They occur when people have experienced abandonment, emotional distancing or isolation. Those who give birth to this type of injury are basically the parents during the upbringing. They may themselves have been victims of similar practices and repeat them with their children without being fully aware of it.

Injuries related to lack of affection cause a person to feel immensely alone in many circumstances. Particularly in those where she felt vulnerable. This generates the perception of not being important to anyone. The idea of ​​being little understood or accepted is also created.

emotional wounds from the past

These emotional wounds also have serious consequences for those who have suffered from them.  The main one is to become a very dependent person on others. The approval of others is constantly needed. These people also seek to please others, sometimes even going so far as to neglect themselves for this. Their mood is very variable, always depending on the attitude of others.

All of these emotional wounds from the past hamper existence. They are generally a brake on growth and evolution in one or more aspects of the personality. Therefore, it is very important to settle scores with this past which sometimes strongly determines our daily life. The way to do this is through a process of reflection leading to awareness of what happened and its impact.

Emotional wounds spread through family ties
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Emotional wounds spread through family ties almost inevitably.

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