According To Science, Luck Really Does Exist

And you, what do you think of luck?
According to science, luck really exists

Amulets, energy stones, four leaf clovers, touching wood, crossing your fingers… Do all these things attract luck? And number 13, does walking under a ladder or seeing a black cat plunge us into an aura of bad luck? The answer is no. But beware ! Science seems to have discovered a way to attract good luck.

Richard Wiseman, professor at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, conducted a study based on the question:  how is it that some people are in the right place, at the best time, to receive positive things  when others seem to have received the gift of untimely  ?

Through his research, Wiseman has come to the following conclusion:  A good deal of luck or lack thereof has to do with attitude. In his own words, “the majority of (inconvenient) people are just not open to what is around them”.

The keys to luck

According to Wiseman, there are four keys to attracting luck  (and, be careful, we want to distinguish between luck and chance:  chance, for example, would be to win the lottery. Our only leeway is to buy a ticket). Luck is a much larger concept, which is much more up to us.

woman crossing her fingers for luck

Maximize your opportunities

It makes sense, right? If we stay locked in at home, how many exciting things and how many opportunities for change will we experience? Not a lot, is it?

Richard states that “ lucky people act by taking advantage of the opportunities they encounter in their life; they try, start from almost nothing with endless projects and base their learning on interaction, unlike unlucky people who suffer from paralysis by analysis ”.

According to Wiseman,  certain types of personalities are more fortunate  because they tend to create environments that maximize their opportunities. For example, extroverted people spend more time with others. Therefore, in a society where the majority of positions are offered by “acquaintances”, they will have a better chance of getting a good job.

On the other hand,  people with anxiety are less likely  to notice what is happening or happening around them. Opportunities need to be much more visible for them to pay attention. This scientific experiment shows us that if we resist the novelty, we will not have many opportunities to change our destiny. Luck plays when there is uncertainty.

2. Listen to your intuition

Lucky people act on their intuition  in many areas of their lives.

Almost 90% of lucky people say they trust their intuition  when it comes to personal relationships, and 80% say it plays a vital role in their careers and financial decisions.

However, there is nothing magic in intuition.  Research has repeatedly shown that it is often valid. On the other hand, practicing meditation and repeating a word or phrase in order to cleanse our minds of other thoughts would stimulate intuition in the medium term.

“Intuition seems to be, in reality, an experience in a domain, a pattern that the body and the brain have already detected but which you have not consciously seen. Unfortunate people usually don’t follow their intuition; they don’t know where it’s coming from and that makes them feel anxious, ”Wiseman tells us.

Believe in luck

It’s simple: you have to be optimistic. We are more likely to try new things, take advantage of opportunities, and achieve success if we tell ourselves that everything is going to be okay. When we repeat this to ourselves, the magic kicks in and prompts us to persevere. And when we resist, we are even more likely to see positive results.

Although this may seem naive,  we must remember that while pessimists see the world with greater precision, optimists tend to be luckier  because their “delusions” or “self-deceptions” push them towards self-deception. new opportunities.

Whether it is through amulets or just optimism,  respecting this point we increase our self-confidence and this allows us to live a life full of pretty luck.

Being mildly dreamy can help us  as overconfidence increases productivity, positively biases us, decreases stress, and increases pain tolerance, all while improving teamwork. But what happens when, despite all of this, things go wrong? What should we do when we do the right thing but are still hit hard by bad luck?

horseshoe, symbol of luck

Happy people are not always lucky; they deal with adversity in a different way  than people who attract bad luck and see the positive side of everything. These people are above all convinced that any fall in their life will ultimately bring them something better. They are therefore taking constructive steps to avoid more bad luck in the future. Therefore, in the face of disappointment, we should not give up a new future or shut ourselves away at home. It will not help us at all.

“When the going gets tough, we have two options: submit or move on. Lucky people are tough. I remember talking to someone who fell down the stairs and broke their leg. I told him: I bet you don’t feel so lucky now. However, he told me that the last time he went to the hospital he had met a nurse. They had fallen in love and were now married (and happy). This person just told me: this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, ”comments Wiseman.

According to him,  10% of our existence is random. The other 90% depends on how we cope with what is happening to us. So this is good news. If we are to be luckier, we have to start with ourselves and think in a more positive way.


The subtle fabric of coincidence and chance
Our thoughts Our thoughts

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