Benefits Of Workshops For Parents Of Autistic Children

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The benefits of workshops for parents of autistic children

It has been more than 200 years since the first case of a child with autism was described.  Prefect (1770) spoke of the case of an eleven-year-old child suffering from a disorder; he exhibited states of confusion and delirium which sometimes alternated with periods of lethargy and anguish. At this point, very heterogeneous explanations began to emerge. However, in the news, there are several scientific studies that indicate that the origin of autism is found in the alteration of several genes.

Even so, as we pointed out, several theories have emerged throughout history. One of the most influential is the theory of mind, formulated in 1985 by Simon Baron-Cohen, Alan Leslie and Uta Frith. In their studies of the development of social understanding in young children, they established the hypothesis that  people with autism do not have a theory of mind. They do not have the ability to attribute independent mental states to themselves or to attribute them to other people  for the purpose of predicting and explaining behavior.

When a child is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, his family begins an unexpected journey. The future becomes more uncertain. Filtering and digesting all the information and options can be overwhelming. Professionals, complex terminology, immense amounts of information, the opinions of others… All of this will now be part of their lives. Everyone will feel like they are inundated with emotions like fear, grief, denial, guilt, anger and sadness.

little girl with autism

Parents of autistic children have to deal with two new things: that of the newborn and that of a developmental disorder that is difficult to understand. This implies physical and psychological wear and tear on the parents. The behaviors of these children tend to confuse families. Lack of response, repetitive play, and rejection of physical contact are some of the things that affect them the most.

It is for this reason that  workshops for parents of autistic children are very beneficial. They help them understand the disease  and know how to approach it by equipping them with tools for the education of the little ones.

How to manage the education of a child in a world he does not understand

Autism is a syndrome that compromises the quality of life of the sufferer and their family. Social relationships and learning are more complicated. The future therefore becomes more uncertain in terms of independence, self-care and the productive life of the patient.

Parents of children with autism are forced to change certain aspects of their lives  due to the high demand for care of these children. This therefore affects their personal, family and professional development and endangers the physical and mental health of the family.

Having someone under their responsibility who has multiple limitations in language and social interaction  prevents parents from having the time and money to meet their own needs. Their life revolves around their child and this causes a noticeable decrease in their quality of life.

mother and daughter with autism

Emotional education for parents of autistic children

In the world we live in, emotions are of great importance on a personal level and in terms of interaction with others. Emotional education is a necessary and very beneficial resource. Although everyone with autism spectrum disorder is different, certain common traits exist in the majority of cases,  such as fear of change, lack of skill when using meaningful language, restricted interests, etc. stereotypy, biased sensitivity and difficulties in empathizing.

These common traits are those that are evaluated, taught and practiced in workshops for parents of children with autism. Faced with a first diagnosis of their child, parents can find themselves in a state of shock. They may experience great confusion, as if they feel paralyzed. Then the negation makes its appearance: they do not want to accept reality.

Parents can sometimes look for other diagnoses. They then tend to cling to the most favorable of all, even if it is wrong. Then comes the start of acceptance; it can lead to depression, times of great despair and sadness. Finally, the reality phase emerges: families manage to overcome all the previous phases. They apply methods to help their child. Parents generally seek the most personalized and beneficial treatment for their little one. The duration of each of these phases can vary enormously between families.

This is why access to workshops for parents of autistic children is considered essential by various associations. The benefits don’t just apply to parents – children will, too. The results of various studies confirm  an improvement in the level of satisfaction and quality of life of families thanks to these workshops. All family members can relate to each other more emotionally.


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