Build Your Own Success Stories Without Owning Those Of Others

We find ourselves facing people who do not build their own successes, but take ownership of the success of others. They use the triumph of others as something that is theirs, enjoying the innocent applause of others. They think that no one will discover their secret and feed on the recognition that others, blindly, offer them.

The problem is, even if we lie or betray, our conscience runs faster and will always be in front of us, pointing the finger at the truth. There are known cases, and others which go unnoticed, but which are real, such as the plagiarism of theses, Internet content (illustrations, interviews, writings, etc.) or other creations such as music or books.

“Plagiarism is the act of someone who, in the artistic or literary field, gives as his own what he has taken from the work of another.”

-Larousse Dictionary-

Plagiarism hides the need for recognition

There are also people who create lies about their identity as if to publicize their importance or value. It ranges from constant, ongoing lies the person invents to show off a life they would love to have and expose to others, to making up successes to make them look even more incredible than the truth. For some, anything is possible in this game that seeks to satisfy the insatiable hunger for recognition.

If we take a deeper interest in these deceiving and self-deceiving people, we probably find a need for external validation. A need for recognition so intense that it requires invention because reality does not satisfy it. Thus, the end justifies the means, and if that implies appropriating the success of others to feed on the recognition that should nevertheless go to others, we will do so.

However, all of this involves feeding on something that is not genuine. The “public” does not applaud that person, they do not applaud their creation. He applauds the creation of the other and it is a distressing truth for those who live it. The truth is, his conscience screams in his ears every day to remind him that this is just a mirage and that a lie can never completely cover up the truth.

Generating your own successes means getting closer to your true essence

But… why not create your own success stories? Why plagiarize those of others? Is there no better gift than receiving the sincere and honest applause of others when you are the author of success? Receive applause and hugs for who we are and what we have created.

As Chillida said: “Let’s not forget that original comes original.” All of the creations in history, all of the art is born from someone and thus, everything that is born from someone is genuine. Of course influences exist and help us find inspiration, but there is a huge difference between feeling inspired by the works of others and copying them shamelessly.

To deceive oneself, and therefore to deceive others, means to move away from our primitive essence. It is wanting to be someone that you are not. It is not to strive to create and generate something of your own. It is settling for something easy, but at the same time leaving an imprint in the form of a powerful argument for our conscience to punish us on its own.

The lie, or the reverse of authenticity

These false joys or these inauthentic joys do not last long and their days are numbered. Any lie is reckless, ultimately. He does not cover much and he often ends up knowing he is, exposing the impostor, who must lie again and chain lies in order not to be discovered.

Building your own successes and generating them from yourself will make you gain authenticity. It will bring you closer to yourself, with your lights and shadows. The product that you generate will be yours and it will be born from your most authentic being. You will fabricate truth and it will set you free. Without deceiving, without having to hide, without having to carry the weight of something that is not yours. Plus, it will give you a powerful reason to be proud of yourself.

And as the great Freddy Mercury said with all the simplicity in the world:

“I am only myself. I think that to be natural and to be authentic is to triumph. ”

But above all: to be authentic is to triumph over yourself. There is no greater triumph than pursuing the true essence of who one is!

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