Friendship Is Also Being Separated Without Anything Changing

Friendship is also being separated without anything changing

Genuine friendship does not need daily supervision to know whether the affection is still genuine or whether it has changed. 

She does not suffer from pressure, nor from a kind of obligation to have to pick up on everything that is said or expressed.

Genuine friendships that are forged in the magic of chance give space and offer freedom, as the bond is fueled by trust and sincere feelings.

The very ones who tell us without saying a word that “ I owe you nothing but I owe you everything ”, “ I am there for you whenever you need it ”.

Friendship should not know neither the notion of time nor that of space. Life puts our true friends on our side for reasons that are beyond our control.

But over the years, and despite the separations, the bond we have with them is not affected, as if we had never left each other.

It is possible that you currently have friends that you have known since your early childhood. People you shared college adventures with, sports afternoons, games, and chocolate chips on your way home from school.

Or, you recently met someone who changed your life when you needed it most.

These intimate relationships are based on sincere mutual affections. They are composed of a little touch of magic which lodges in our hearts and which allows to establish an extraordinary connection. Have you ever experienced this sensation?

Despite the time, despite the distance, I’ll always be there


Life turns much faster than the hands of a clock. We never know which path our steps will take.

Whether for professional or personal reasons, especially if we have a new partner in our life, we have to put hundreds of kilometers between us and our friends.

Life is on the move and only those who are ready to move can reach their dreams with their fingertips.

However, this often involves a few sacrifices: we have to leave our home, our roots and sometimes the best friendships we have had the chance to know.

We’re pretty sure you’ve been in this situation before. It is these times of change and personal growth that allow us to discover who we are and who are the most important people in our lives.

  • Some people need daily contact, permanent interaction through which their needs are met. They value the proximity which allows a continuous link.
  • But this permanent interaction and this bond cannot always be nurtured, especially when we are forced to move away from our friends for professional or personal reasons.
  • It is at this precise moment that we are most likely to lose these friends that we have known in the region of our origins. The reproaches then appear, such as: “ you no longer have time to devote to me ”, “ you never call me “, “ you no longer tell me everything as before ”.
  • Some friendships become like most romantic couple relationships: oppressive and toxic. They are marked with the seal of pressure and suffering.

Conversely, other people around us know how to understand us and respect our choices. Their concern for our well-being and their tenderness towards us is sincere.

We know they’re steadfast by our side, but they don’t need that permanent bond that other of our friends demand.

We don’t need to speak to understand that, for despite the distance, they continue to be a part of us.


Fleeting friendships and indestructible friendships

You don’t have to be too concerned about giving up on some people. It is an inevitable part of our personal development process, because growing up means letting the most weight off our mind and freeing our heart from anything that can cloud its vision.

There are few genuine friendships, but they are conspicuous in their constancy. They are indestructible and we carry them with us every day, so that they can illuminate us during our darkest days and that they are present during our most beautiful moments of happiness.

Some friendships come and go like the warm summer wind. They bring us experience, they delight us and then vanish with a sweet scent, leaving our minds loaded with memories.

  • Other friendships turn into bad encounters. The universe sometimes puts us in the path of selfish people, who defend their personal interests only and who can betray us.
  • Bad encounters with people who weren’t really our friends shouldn’t shatter our confidence or cloud our hopes. There are good people and good friendships too.
  • Genuine friendship is offered with freedom and without conditions. It should be cherished as a precious possession, as a part of our soul that calls for reciprocity, trust and gratitude.

If you still have regrets about a friendship that you had to give up, but that you sorely miss, don’t hesitate to contact that person again.

If your tenderness has always been genuine, if this friendship has been so magical that you can’t help but smile when you think about it, don’t hesitate to fight to get it back.

Genuine friendships do not know notions of time or distance.


Images by Jim Joo and Claudia Tremblay


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