Hidden Symptoms Of Sadness You Should Know About

Hidden symptoms of sadness you need to know

The hidden symptoms of sadness can be endlessly camouflaged. Sadness is a discomfort from which we try to defend ourselves and which has an impact on our psychological balance. It is often manifested by anger, bad mood, apathy, fatigue, etc. It is a presence that spoils everything and invades everything: our mind, our body, our motivation …

Often it is said that some people with the best smiles are able to tell us the saddest stories. It’s a reality. Because few emotions go so unnoticed and are at the same time so difficult to carry, to understand and of course, to manage.

We could associate sadness with that flashing light that appears in our car to warn us that the fuel is out. We see her, but often we do not pay attention to her and we decide to go our way as if nothing had happened. This is when everything starts to go wrong, when we don’t have enough strength the world seems to go faster than usual, as we are retarded, out of order, stuck in a strange ditch with an inexplicable feeling of dying. ‘unreality.

Understanding these hidden symptoms of sadness would help us react long before. Identifying it, being more receptive to its signals would allow us to better manage its different states. It is essential to put our gaze in the center of this complex emotion to know what it wants to tell us. Understanding it will help us adapt much better to our daily lives.

sadness and symptoms

Sadness, this great misunderstanding

There is a very interesting book called ”  Positive Intentions of Negative Emotions  ” by psychologists Anthony Horwitz and Jerome Wakefield. In this book, we learn that people generally see sadness as something wrong, as something pathological that it is best not to bring up. It is the sadness that we choose to bury, this uncomfortable presence that must be hidden so that it can go away when it wishes.

For this reason, it is important to point out that the field of positive psychology is experiencing a very important advance. This is what is known today as “the second wave”. This new approach tries to make us understand something essential. Some emotional phenomena are so complex that it is impossible to categorize them as positive or negative. It is a type of covalency which can for example be found in love.

When we love someone, it is common to experience the greatest of joys and in an instant the most absolute desolation. Emotions, like life, can go from light to dark in a minute, they have very many nuances. It is the same with sadness. We are used to defining sadness as a “negative” state. However , we all forget that this feeling can inspire us. When properly understood and managed, it can promote meaningful (and very positive) change in us.

it is important to understand sadness

Hidden symptoms of sadness

As we were able to state previously, the hidden symptoms of sadness are very numerous and heterogeneous. Each person can experience them in a particular way. On the other hand, there are common axes, usual realities which can be recurrent. Let’s detail them below.

Frequent anger, bad mood, rage

Fury is very often the disguise of sadness. It is his emergency exit, his channel of expression. It is this brilliant emotional expression that emerges in the most adequate way.

When we are not able to look at this sadness or when we reject reality, anger arises. Frustration arises and in the worst case, rage is expressed.

Fatigue, psychomotor slowness, muscle pain

Emotions are wise, and the wisest of all is sadness. So when we try to ignore an important point and don’t pay attention to it, our brains reduce our energy in order to force us to “go slower”. Thus, he seeks to force us to dedicate time to introspection, in order to untie this emotional knot.

For this, it is common to experience fatigue, insomnia and even muscle pain. In fact, it’s a wake-up call for us to do it, for us to take a step back.

sadness can slow the body down

A scattered mind, unable to remain attentive

Often it is said that there is no expression more inspiring than sadness. This is an obvious reality, one of the hidden symptoms of sadness that we should have in mind.

  • This dispersed spirit which seeks to escape from reality is looking for a new stage on which it can express itself, where it can be alone. We therefore avoid social contact and the world seems strange to us. We need privacy and a channel of expression.
  • Writing, drawing, composing… All these examples are very appropriate practices to allow our mind to find a refuge in which to express itself. We need practices that allow us to express our emotions and bring out the authentic light of our sadness.

Greater sensitivity

Another hidden symptom of sadness is sensitivity. This emotion makes us more empathetic towards the emotions of others. It connects us more to matters of the heart than to those of the mind. It is she who positions our gaze towards points of view that were previously transparent to us …

We can spend hours seeing how the raindrops fall as crystals. We can also let time fly as we watch the wind move the leaves of the trees… These are details that at some point can cause us to let down our tears, signs of emotional overflow.

sadness and sensitivity

In conclusion, we are sure that more than one person will care about more than one of these characteristics. If we recognize ourselves in these symptoms, we must go beyond. Let’s see sadness in another way. This emotion has the purpose of pushing our psychological development.

It motivates us to return to our shell to achieve the introspection necessary to connect with ourselves. Sadness wants us to navigate our needs, treat them with compassion, rise up. Sadness wants reflection and pushes for change.  Let’s listen to it with more frequency: sadness is an emotion that speaks.


The importance of emotional intelligence
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Emotional intelligence is that ability that allows us to control our emotions and express them in a meaningful way.

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