How Smart People Fight Toxic People

How smart people fight toxic people

Dealing with toxic people is something you have to do at some point in your life.

We can come across narcissistic perverts, compulsive liars or manipulators, to name but a few of them.

The problem with toxic people is that even if you want to avoid them, they still find a way to interfere in your life.

Their actions are born out of a need they feel to belong to a group, and you are not immune to them setting their sights on you.

Fortunately, there are alternatives that smart people use to prevent toxic people from taking a place in their lives.


“The more people I know, the more I love my dog”

Diogenes of Sinope-


In this article, we offer you a whole series of tips that can help you fight toxic people. Read on, and find out!


1. Pay no attention to toxic people

Toxic people try to get your attention. Indeed, they do everything to make people look at them in order to feel important. They want every event to affect them at all costs.

When you realize that one of these people has achieved their goal, stop paying them your attention.

If the toxic person is monopolizing a conversation, change the subject, and give others the opportunity to speak.

More often than not, this person seeks to ensure that the conversations revolve around subjects which they know well and which give them confidence. You can prevent this from happening by explaining that the topic is closed, and that the conversation has drifted onto something else.

In a matter of minutes, the toxic person will distance themselves, and over time, they will be completely removed when they see that you are not giving them the attention they are looking for.

2. Don’t tell your secrets to gossips

People who don’t know how to keep a secret can sometimes hurt us a lot! Toxic people will have no difficulty telling others what you have previously told them. In addition, they will criticize you and speak badly about you behind your back.

It is sometimes difficult to identify these people, because usually they seem confident and kind. However, here are some signals that may help you unmask them:

– They speak badly of others

– They always make comments about the secrets you tell them

– They push you to confide things to them when you barely know them

– When you make a negative comment about someone, she will see that person and report your comments to them

The best remedy for gossip lovers is to say nothing to them. Just live your life without inviting them, and if they’ve made a place for themselves in your social circle, keep the distance.


“How do you expect the other to keep your secret if you yourself, by confessing it, have not been able to keep it?”

-François de La Rochefoucauld-

3. Spend time with your real friends

Smart people know that it is important to have a strong support network in life.

When you’re lucky enough to have people around you who will always be there for you, you don’t even have to worry about toxic people.

You can simply count on people to support you when you need it.

Smart people know that true friends are more valuable than any material good.

4. Avoid manipulators

Smart people know that manipulators can ruin a life. People who manipulate are only looking to hurt you.

To avoid manipulators, you must first learn to identify them. You will know that a person is manipulative if all of their feelings turn negative.

These are people who make you wonder if you are doing things right, yet still have a hurtful feeling.


5. They let liars wrap them around

Toxic people have a habit of compulsively lying not only to others, but to themselves as well. Unfortunately for them, lies always end up being discovered sooner or later.

Smart people don’t get mad at a lie, they just let the truth do its own thing.

It always happens eventually, because it is not easy to maintain a false story, and contradictions do not take long to emerge.

6. They ignore dramas and arguments

Toxic people are experts when it comes to arguing about any subject.

If something doesn’t turn out the way they wanted it to, they do everything they can to make an argument break out and make it last for hours.

They just want everyone to understand what their problems are. They like to be the center of attention, and take every opportunity to ensure that all eyes are on them.

If you find yourself in this situation, act rationally. Try to speak with the toxic person in a calm manner.

If you can’t, end the discussion by explaining to the toxic person that this is not the way you will be able to find a solution, and ask them to postpone the discussion.

In case the problem doesn’t have a solution or if the toxic person just doesn’t want to solve it, tell them it’s no longer your business.


Ignoring toxic people is a real art


It will take you a little while to realize that you don’t need these people in your life, but once you realize that you will be even freer.

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