How To Comfort The Soul When It Is Sad

How to comfort the soul when it is sad

“We feel sad, alone, downhearted… sometimes things don’t go as we would like them to… Things don’t go well at work, we are not happy with our partner, we argue too much with his parents…”

We then begin to worry because sadness settles in the head like a bird which finds its nest. We no longer know how to begin to remove this pain that floods us every day and every night.

When you’re sad, you decide not to leave your home, not to talk to anyone and the only thing you do is sink into your own torments.

Think and rethink: “I need to change everything, I can’t go on like this when something happens to me. Yes, sometimes life is sad, but I don’t want someone to take power over me ”…

Sometimes we feel a deep sadness …

Sometimes we feel a deep sadness that invades the soul, difficult to explain. Maybe things aren’t going well at work, with the spouse, the kids, and worst of all… there is a little bit of everything that hurts you.


You can’t help but feel bad and even if everyone tells you “you gotta make an effort”, “you gotta get out”, you can’t do it and you think, “It’s easy to give advice. , but I would like you to feel what I feel ”.

You don’t succeed, you don’t want to, sadness suffocates you, overtakes you. So how do you change this if the situation continues?

How can we make ourselves feel better when we are sad? How to do ? Maybe it’s easier than you think or, on the contrary, it’s a task that will take you time, time for dedication and for acquiring new habits.

Guide to tips to fill the soul when you are sad

In this article, we are going to offer you a guide of tips to fill the soul when sadness comes over you. The fundamental condition is found in the will to do …

  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, with whom you feel good, and distance yourself from others. The important thing is you.
    Don’t you know people who have the power to console you with a few words, who are able to make you laugh with nothing? Learn and enjoy them, their company. Friends can be a balm on the wounds of life.
  • Look for what you really like. Fill your life with things you really love… Are you fond of cooking, reading, traveling, dancing?
    These are amazing ways to disconnect from your sadness. When the mind is occupied with other things, we forget our sorrows.
  • Practice sports. Sport has been shown to wake up endorphins in sport. People who play some type of sport are less prone to sadness.
  • Treat yourself to a whim. A little whim can make you feel happier and happier. Take a chocolate or a candy, buy something that makes you happy etc.
  • Take to the streets and enjoy. When you are sad, do not sit at home brooding. Make yourself pretty and go for a walk. You will see that you will come home with new energy. Pajamas are still our worst enemy.
  • Don’t expect a lot from yourself and others. Learn not to demand so much. When we have too high demands on someone or something, we are easily disappointed.
  • Learn to resign yourself but with happiness. Begin to understand that life is full of not only good times but bad times as well and that you shouldn’t over-dramatize them. When they pass, forget about them and keep moving forward.
  • Try to change what you can and what you don’t like in your life. If something is within your reach, be courageous and change it. Are you unhappy with your spouse? Don’t like your job? Try to break away from what you don’t like and start over.
  • Don’t think so much. We all think too much. Sometimes we are sad because of things from the past or what has not yet happened. The past is past and the future is not yet here. Focus on the present.

Sadness is innate in us, but learning not to let it settle in our heads is a challenge we all need to overcome.

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