Hypersensitive People And The World Of Work: A Complex Environment

Hypersensitive people and the world of work: a complex environment

Hypersensitive people very often perceive the work environment as hostile and complex terrain. Competitiveness, structural rigor, criticism, sounds and forced conversations totally drain their mind and energy. And it is only rarely that one appreciates their exceptional capacities.

Daniel H. Pink is an expert in the field of work motivation and author of several bestselling books on the world of applied psychology to business. According to him, the future belongs to the “right hemisphere”. We have come to a point where systematization, computing and automation are transforming to give way to new skills known as “great qualities”. This is where we integrate intuition, creativity and empathy.

Do not despise anyone’s sensitivity. Each person’s sensitivity is his genius.

-Charles Baudelaire-

We are well aware that today, these new work environments cannot be appreciated, seen or found easily. Hypersensitive people often have to fit into a very structured context that does not make their life easier, where they are unable to “develop” at the professional level.

It is for this reason that they are physically and emotionally exhausted due to their continuous efforts to fit into a context that is not very simple and even contrary to their essence as well as to their personality. A delicate reality that we want to tell you about later.


Hypersensitive people and their problems in the world of work

Dr. Elaine Aron, an expert in the subject of hypersensitivity, tells us that in reality, few hypersensitive people feel really good about their work. In fact,  in many work contexts, we see sensitivity as a passive dimension that is of little use to the organization.

On the other hand, we know that everyone, hypersensitive or not, needs to feel valued and respected in their work to be productive, to give the best of themselves. However, hypersensitivity needs something more than all of this. She needs a personal “habitat” where she can germinate, where she can feel good emotionally and psychologically. She needs to tune her heart to a context.


The main problems of today’s work environments for hypersensitivity

The hypersensitive person is like a “radar”. Any alteration, disagreement or dysfunction in the work climate will first be perceived by the hypersensitive person. These situations subject her to a permanent state of anxiety.

  • A work environment with excessive light and noise where personal interaction is continuous supposes overexcitement to one’s neural system. She will feel exhausted very quickly.
  • Another unique aspect is that  hypersensitivity is able to anticipate any need that arises in the work environment. Something like this makes the person come to take on responsibilities from other people. But she doesn’t do it for the simple need to please others: she understands that it has to be done. This, in the long run, increases its already high load more and more.
  • For its part, the Human Resources department does not always pay attention to the work climate and is not receptive to this type of subtleties that surround hypersensitive people. In addition, generally, we have a priori on this type of personality. Namely: they are vulnerable, have no capacity for success let alone leadership skills.

A completely false idea that we will now clear up.

The future of smart organizations and hypersensitivity

We indicated it at the beginning; the current model of large companies and other organizations is changing. We need human capital that is more intuitive, creative and sensitive to the environment to anticipate what society needs. This supposed cultural distortion towards hypersensitive people as a “passive” sector is starting to change.

  • Hypersensitivity is a valuable tool for perceiving and anticipating new markets. Hypersensitive people are able to empathize much more with the customer about what they need.
  • The companies of the future seek to better manage the diversity of their staff. Work environments no longer seek to have an army of “identical professionals”. They now need people capable of bringing unique and exceptional human capital. This is why creativity and intuition are two very powerful strategies.

Hypersensitive people also acquire this known “high quality” skill  that we mentioned at the beginning. This is a dimension that in turn characterizes good leaders. Because to everyone’s surprise, hypersensitive people have an ideal profile for this: they are visionaries, intuitive and able to see in perspective, never atomic, twisted or reductionist.

They are thoughtful and create a good social climate. They are also attentive, seek excellence in everything they do  and foster this conscious and innovative spirit which, without doubt, will be the key to the future of many organizations. You just have to believe enough in yourself that sooner or later the world will discover all that this gaze which includes life from the heart and through the right hemisphere has to offer.

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