If You Settle For Crumbs, You Will Always Be Weak And Hungry

If you settle for crumbs, you will always be weak and hungry

Crumbs allow you to survive, to jump from one place to another through time. They allow you to go on living, but they barely feed you, causing your self-esteem as well as your delusions to drift away. There are too many people who settle for crumbs and have great sensitivity as well as great talent, and too many people who taste the whole cake without the slightest hint of decency or feelings.

If people who are content with crumbs did not exist, people loaded with ego and self-satisfaction would not exist either, or at least, there would be fewer of them. These are people who complement each other by forging toxic relationships: the sadistic with the masochist, the devoted worker with the boss-not-exploiting, the husband / the fervent wife with the harasser husband / wife, or the cautious father / mother with the child transformed into a “little tyrant”.

Do you really believe that these continuums, which have become dichotomies, have arisen out of nowhere? Do you really think that some are born willing to settle for crumbs while others are able to eat the cake every now and then?

Logically, such a hypothesis cannot be supported. Not even phrenology has shown that black people have brains with flaws that predispose them to submission, or even that white people have a brain structure that makes them masters, and consequently, worthy heads of state.

The ability not to rebel comes a long way, and the result is that self-esteem diminished by fears that in reality are mere shadows, mere thoughts that have no type of parallel narrative in reality. , except the chains they impose on the people who have them.

Our crumbs to survive today are our hunger and our uncertainty of tomorrow. However, it is not always easy to understand that one only receives crumbs; Take the example of a woman who seeks love and who always comes across men who lie to her, who ignore her, and who grant her an insignificant role in their lives.

For this woman, it is important to love and to be loved, to feel accompanied, to enjoy the intimacy of hugs. She needs a dose of all of this to “move on”. However, she gives so much and is satisfied with so little that in the end she finds none of it. All she manages to collect is a kiss in the midst of a hundred disrespect, it’s a beautiful sentence after so many facts that contradict her. In the end, she finds herself sleeping next to a person she knows less and less about.


Many people think that giving love without expecting anything in return is beautiful. The Machiavellian part of this unequal emotional relationship consists in the fact that giving too much without receiving, sometimes, we end up leaving our self-esteem.

Know one thing is that loving without expecting anything in return is not the same as giving yourself without limits, until you find yourself exhausted, with nothing positive that can compensate. that, until you end up in a situation where you just can’t hold on to anything anymore.

You don’t have to make a contract to know how much you’re willing to lose. It is not a question of foreseeing possible damage and prejudice. Your self-esteem requires that you have your eyes wide open, that your ears listen intelligently, and that your memory knows how to link what you have just experienced with what in reality you never want to see happen again. .

Your self-esteem doesn’t settle for crumbs, for it isn’t just crumbs that it is made of. Your self-esteem needs empathy, assertiveness, and the ability to be independent. Hurt self-esteem is like a totally poorly paid worker, who would work hours and hours without stopping, not even having the opportunity to live a life of dignity.

No one will ever be able to give everything, endure contempt, or resist indifference in order to please. This makes us a subsidiary element of the emotional part, a person who lives his relationship with the other by enduring the mood swings of this last-era 90% of the time and enjoying these good sides during the 10 % of time left, to end up being just a 100% choking person who no longer has the strengths or self-esteem to find something that can fill them with truth rather than crumbs that ‘we throw him.


If you want to preserve your self-esteem and maintain your life plans on sight rather than seeing them drift away, don’t let others give you crumbs and see that you can be content with them, or even you. may you be grateful for it, because maybe then you would have come to think that this is the only thing you can aspire to.

The result is nothing but a vicious cycle: ending a relationship will always make you weak and hungry, leading you to settle for crumbs that have fallen here and there, never being able to enjoy the whole cake because you have convinced yourself that you do not deserve it, and the others have believed it too, which seems to delight them. When faced with crumbs, there is only one behavior that is worthwhile: indifference.

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