Keanu Reeves, Biography Of An Extraordinary Star

Keanu Reeves, the famous hero of The Matrix, is an extraordinary star. During one of his birthdays, we surprised him alone, with a cupcake and a coffee, in the middle of the street. He shared “his delights” with all those who went to greet him.
Keanu Reeves, biography of an extraordinary star

The name of Keanu Reeves has been known worldwide since the release of the movie The Matrix  and the saga that followed. He is apparently another of the people of Hollywood, famous, full of money and admired by everyone. To everyone’s surprise, he’s not like that. This fabulous actor is far from the normal model of the stars.

Keanu Reeves’ life alternates between moments of glory and personal tragedies. The most admirable about him is his capacity for resilience. He turned difficult experiences into learning that applies consistently. He doesn’t claim to be a guru or a saint, but someone who is able to recognize and value what is really important in life. He is a true inspiration to those who witness his wisdom.

Keanu Reeves in The Matrix

The difficult childhood of Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves was born in Beirut (Lebanon) on September 2, 1964. His father was an American of Hawaiian and Chinese descent. His mother was of English descent. He had a sister, 2 years younger than him. The childhood of the actor was marked by alcoholism and the abuse of his father. The latter abandoned his family when Keanu was only 3 years old.

Keanu Reeves’ father has been jailed for drug trafficking. While in prison, he obtained the equivalent of the baccalaureate. Keanu only knew him when he was 6 years old. He saw him later, when he was 13. For the last time.

To make ends meet, her mother worked in a strip club. She often brought men home. The family moved to Australia and then to the United States.

In New York City, the mother married a Broadway director before moving to Canada. Their union lasted only a year.

A life marked by tragedy

In addition to the instability that marked his childhood, Keanu Reeves faced another tough ordeal. Her sister suffered from leukemia. Although she conquered the disease, the experience left a deep mark on her. Years later, his sister suffered a relapse and he went through a fateful period again.

Reeves decided to devote himself to acting life after an injury that prevented him from continuing to play hockey,  which he saw as his true calling. He never finished secondary education but he felt a penchant for art very early on. His father helped him to go to work in the United States. One of his first films was.

There he knew a person who would become his best friend, River Phoenix, the younger brother of the famous Joaquin Phoenix. Nevertheless, he died of an overdose of cocaine and heroin at a very young age. Reeves has long felt guilty because he believed he could have done more for his friend.

An interview with Keanu Reeves

Misadventures and resilience

In 1999, his girlfriend, Jennifer Syme, an actress but also his personal assistant, became pregnant with him. Her daughter was born premature on Christmas Day. The baby is stillborn. This left the actress in a deep depression, which had to be treated with medication. A year and a half later, she was in a car accident on her way to a party. She died instantly.

Another year later, her sister relapsed and Reeves put everything aside to be with her. Despite these tragedies and difficulties, Keanu Reeves has been able to move forward in the best possible way. Unlike other stars, he lives in a modest apartment and travels by metro.

He has donated most of his fortune to charities that fight cancer, only on the condition that his name is not mentioned. He also donated money for hospitals in difficult economic circumstances. It is estimated that his donations amount to several million dollars.

His decision was to lead a simple life. He reminded several times that for him neither money nor fame was the most important thing. He enjoys taking motorbike trips and has studied Buddhism extensively even though he does not consider himself a Buddhist as such. He’s a quiet man, who knows the value of emotional bonds and who knows that life is much more than Hollywood.


The search for meaning according to Viktor Frankl
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We all face our own quest for meaning. Viktor Frankl’s work can help us move forward.

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