Modern Power Does Not Seek To Repress, But To Distress

Modern power does not seek to repress, but to distress

Fear is a completely natural human emotion which, in fact, guarantees survival. But fear in the extreme has the ability to condition people’s thinking, emotions, and behavior.

Power and its representatives have always known that fear is an effective weapon in controlling the lives of others and making them think, feel and act exactly as they want. 

Since always, who has the power appealed to fear to subdue the conscience of who is under its control. In its most basic expression, this fear is instilled in terms of physical punishment, which threatens the integrity or lives of submissive people.

Throughout history, beatings, deprivation or pain have been tools used, to punish rebels, achieve submission of enemies or maintain a latent threat to make obey.

But there is a difference between subjecting the serfs to the fiefdom during medieval times and controlling the great masses of the present day.

Many could escape physical punishment because it was impossible for them to detect all acts that went against power, or to actually apply the punishment.

Today, power has become much more sophisticated. We are no longer so concerned with repressing those who stand out, but with implanting mechanisms that guarantee the obedience of most people.

Current power and fear

If there is one emotion installed massively today, it is fear. But it is an imprecise, diffuse fear that arises from hundreds of latent threats, even if they are not directly linked to the danger.

The risks are not entirely clear and that is why fear manages to set in and invade emotional life, without our realizing it. The most correct term to speak of this fear is “anguish”.

storm man

Basically, what has been consolidated is the fear of living and unwittingly or by wanting it, we face this fear by obeying.

Between conscious and unconscious, we conform to the injunctions that are formulated to us. We try to blend in with the herd.

And even, we practice rebellion in a submissive way: we can surpass ourselves in a football match, but few have the inner freedom that allows us to give up everything to devote themselves only to what they have always dreamed of.

Many are even able to waive their rights, if they get a counterpart, a “supposed” state of greater security.

The politicians know it and that is why they justify the reduction of rights and freedoms by practicing the threat.

If they limit health services, it is so as not to create a financial collapse. If they ask you for more taxes, it is to guarantee your retirement.

If they allow the police to come home without judicial orders, it is to ward off the terrorist threat. Today it is said that politicians promise nothing, they work to ward off nightmares.

The threat factory

Today’s world is not really a hymn to harmony and brotherhood, that’s for sure. But neither is it the apocalypse that the newspapers and the media in general sell us every day.

The mainstream media have specialized in crime, violence and corruption. They are shown to be the center of reality.

If all of this exists, of course, it is obvious that the actions of honest and sincere people can be counted in the thousands. There are many people who want only one thing: to live in peace.


But power needs anguished people, for whoever is anguished is vulnerable and people who perceive themselves as vulnerable feel rather than think.

They let themselves be carried away by the fear that inhabits them and accept the unacceptable: living according to bland conservations on a cell phone, worshiping the muscles of the body, taking five Masters to feel competent or seeking at all costs the great love that will save us all …

There are fear and anxiety professionals. There isn’t an employee who doesn’t fear their job, because in most companies the ghost of “staff cuts” lurks.

Few parents quietly educate their children: there are pederasts, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a thousand other things.

We are all faced with the uncertainty of the next madness: a war, the change of the rules of the game that could get us out of it etc.

Why punish with blows? Why repress? Angering societies is enough.

For that is the fear factory, to teach everyone that we are not in control of our lives and that there are threats that are beyond our ability to react. This justifies the fact that there are hundreds of repulsive beings in positions of power.

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