Positive Language Will Make You Happier

Positive language will make you happier

If you had to choose between the sentence of Jorge Luis Borges which says that “beauty is this beautiful mystery that neither psychology nor rhetoric can break” and that of Jean Cocteau which states that “mirrors would do well to think a little more before returning the images ”, which would you prefer? Probably Borges’s, right? Well, this predilection for positive language actually has an important psychological basis.

We will then know the theory of Luis Castellanos who affirms that  positive language is a very effective tool to be happier and more productive. However, whatever the experts say, talking about beauty and goodness should always be more rewarding than dealing with other topics such as immorality and corruption… Or maybe not?

The study on the benefits of positive language

As we have already said, we will focus on the study conducted by cognitive neuroscientist Luis Castellanos alongside his team of researchers to explain the benefits of using positive language. , which would help people feel happier and more fulfilled.

The work carried out is based on the interpretation of data obtained when a group reacted to positive comments, after neutral or negative ones. To confirm the validity of the study, encephalograms were taken during the process.

positive word written on dice

The result was more than satisfactory. According to Castellanos, the brain’s reaction time activates by listening to positive words. He thus concludes that this type of language allows human beings to be more attentive, more creative, and to have greater perseverance in the face of all types of tasks, both daily and extraordinary.

Therefore, if you are someone who plays sports, avoiding excessive stress, eating a healthy diet, and trying to get enough rest to maintain an optimistic attitude, then you can add this new technique as well. Positive language will make you happier.

Positive thinking and language

Castellanos is convinced that positive language is even capable of changing an individual’s line of thought. To come to this conclusion, he worked with different personalities such as top athletes like Sergio Rodriguez or Nani Roma, and even famous chefs like Mario Sandoval.

In all of the cases studied, it was observed that  positive language was very effective in improving personal and professional life and also resulted in significant changes in the thought path of those who followed the Castellanos method.


It should also be noted that due to the success of his techniques, Castellanos has decided to publish his work in the book “The science of positive language”, where all his research and successes are gathered; he also offers advice and exercises to practice this thought and be able to benefit from its benefits.

“It all comes down to one point: if you pay attention to your language, he will pay attention to you.”

-Luis Castellanos-

How to apply positive language

If you want to apply positive language to your life, Castellanos offers different exercises. One of them is to recognize its flaws. For this, it is necessary to be aware of every word we say.

By writing or recording conversations, we can become aware of how much “it’s not…” we can say, as well as language tics, negative or positive adjectives, and so on. We can make a clean and personal evaluation of our language, and even an external one which would be carried out by a friend or a specialist.

Another good exercise suggested is that of taking care of your language. Once we are done analyzing the way we speak, it makes sense to institute incremental changes that reduce any negativity and increase positivity in every sentence we construct.


Even though negative language can be a form of survival, it is important to vary and shift towards positivity to find greater vitality within ourselves. We have a very rich linguistic field and a natural environment full of beauty, both in terms of people, landscapes, activities… So why not take advantage of these wonderful tools?

“We want the story of our life to be a good story.”

-Daniel Kanheman-

If you want your life story to be more beautiful, remember that positive language can be a tool with enormous potential for yourself and for those around you. Thanks to it, you will be able to change your attitude, be happier and achieve optimal development. Science has confirmed it, now you just need to put it into practice. Courage and forward!

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