Pride Can Be Cast Aside, Dignity Never Goes Astray

Pride can be cast aside, dignity never goes astray

We can say goodbye to our pride, but we can never lose our dignity, for nothing and no one, for we will lose ourselves, and we will damage our self-esteem and integrity.

If each person has to show their own esteem, it is not valid if they do it at the expense of others. We must therefore know how to discern the acts of others, which damage our image and alter our dignity.

While dignity is no guarantee of true love or friendship, it is obvious that relationships based on dignity are more genuine, free, solid and respectful.


Love and tenderness NEVER beg each other

Have you ever felt like you were begging for crumbs of attention and tenderness from someone who showed you nothing but selfishness and indifference? The answer to this question is surely in the affirmative.

Depending on who we bond with or when in our life we ​​find ourselves, we are more or less inclined to turn ourselves into victims of people who need to despise in order to bolster their self-esteem.


Dignity and pride, two sides of the same coin

The message we want to convey is: “don’t lose someone out of pride, but don’t lose your dignity for someone” . However, the line between pride and dignity is very tight.

This is why we must be careful with our ego, because if dignity is converted into pride, it will be because of it, and the empty, intolerant, harmful and unjustified feeling of superiority.

It is dignity that reflects the possibility of behaving in a fair and balanced way with oneself without paying attention to the pretexts and blackmail that subdue us.

To be worthy is to know how to respect ourselves and others by maintaining a safe distance that allows us to balance the scales.

The importance of esteeming yourself so as not to hurt others

People who love themselves tend to be more consistent and generous in their actions than those who don’t like themselves because the former can’t bear to hurt others.

Thinking “I behaved badly with this person” changes our identity as “good and positive people to others” so much that we will be committed to resolving this situation and preventing something similar from happening.

Likewise, those who do not consider themselves do not see the meanness that is found in petty acts because they think they are less interesting than others and therefore have to put on a good image of themselves to reassure themselves.

This is the reason why people who tend to take advantage of others and undermine dignity almost always do so shamelessly.

We can say that there is something really wrong with these people.


Either way, the skin grows back on the wound, even if the scar is very large inside. We use this metaphor because it is very useful in showing that when someone disappoints us, a part of us is torn apart.

That’s not to say that dignity doesn’t make us come out unscathed, but with our strength and identity we can better deal with someone abandoning us, being fired, or a friend. betrays.

A person of integrity and genuine will be a worthy person who, despite painful events, will continue to look in the face with his head held high because he knows what he is worth even if the situation or the people around him want him to believe otherwise.


Let’s say that even though we are never the same again, this type of painful situation invites us to strengthen our dignity and our personal identity.

We are not going to be less affected or sad, but our way out of this pit will generate less collateral damage.

When we find ourselves forced to decide between our dignity or our lack of dignity, the bells of goodbye or change must start ringing in our heads.

As we have said, we cannot give up our emotional health for nothing and no one. 

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