Reading Is More Than Just Fun

Reading is more than just fun

Reading is one of the activities that defines us as human beings, yet it has lost its popularity in the modern world  due to new, less demanding forms of entertainment such as television, movies, and video games.

However, it  is well worth the reading that we stop for a few minutes to reflect on this practice. This is why in this article we will explain everything that reading brings us.

1. It feeds us and exercises our mind

Reading opens the doors to a world infinitely rich in knowledge, it stimulates our imagination, our feelings, and our emotions. It is a mental exercise in which our brain actively participates by organizing ideas, relating different concepts and eliciting reactions and opinions from us.

It sets off a kind of brainstorm in our brain that establishes new neural connections that promote critical thinking, and prevent our cognitive functions, such as memory, concentration and attention from deteriorating.

2. It goes hand in hand with success

According to a study by the University of Oxford,  those who read a lot during their teenage years are more likely to be successful professionally in the third stage of their life. 

This is not surprising if we take into account what we have just said a little above about the benefits that this activity brings to our mind, and the wealth of knowledge to which it gives us access.

3. It unites people

The reading improves social relations in various ways. Indeed, since it provides us with new and varied knowledge, we therefore have more topics of conversation to share with others.

The wave of expansion that begins in our brains connects neurons to each other, while continuing to help us bond with others. In addition to all this, since the exchange of ideas enriches a topic with new perspectives and unexpected points of view that we had not thought of, the potential of our brain is gradually developing.

Reading also promotes our social interactions in another way. The fact of having a common interest in a book or a particular theme with a person or a group of people gives us a sense of belonging and membership in this group.

Finally,  reading narrative novels in particular has been shown to foster empathy,  as we truly involve ourselves in the reading process until we identify with the feelings, dramas, and emotions of the characters. Incredible, isn’t it?

4. It drives away stress

The causes of this phenomenon are varied. One of them is due to the fact that by exposing various and varied situations that human beings can experience whatever the time, the culture or the place, we realize that everything is relative, and that our problems are not that serious, or that we are not the only ones in this situation. 

By extension, reading gives us the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others while providing us with new resources that we can incorporate into our lives.

Reading is also a therapy to fight against stress, because it is a pleasant activity in itself, which relaxes us. We just have to sit down, grab a book, and enjoy this enjoyable pastime.

In addition,  reading about relevant topics that give us hope, and that show us different ways of seeing and building life,  such as spiritual books, increases our well-being.

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