Sort Our Ideas, Tidy Our Cupboards

Sort our ideas, tidy our cupboards

We’ve all done the dreaded closet cleaning one day. An exhausting task which usually takes a long time. This fatigue generated in us by ordering, classifying and retrieving objects or clothes is exhausting because it  requires a great mental effort. Not only do we have to tidy our cupboards but also sort our ideas.

When we rage a room or closet, we don’t just move things or clothes out of place and throw or get rid of old things. It is also a matter of sorting out our ideas since our subconscious processes memories linked to these objects or clothes,  reliving certain situations and deciding whether they are useful or not.

According to Marie Kondo, expert in the field and known thanks to her book entitled The magic of order. Tools to tidy up your home and your life! , the order begins with the elimination of the excess of objects present in our lives. Indeed, according to Kondo, it is our obsession with storing everything that causes an excess of objects in any home or office. It is therefore necessary to know how to get rid of certain objects and / or clothes. This is a challenge that can generate a lot of anxiety in some people and which, thanks to the KONMARI method, can be achieved without too much difficulty.

Sort our ideas

When we decide to keep an accessory object we do so because in one way or another we remain linked to a series of sensations  that it evokes to us, sensations that can be as happy as sad or bitter. But if we leave them out, in a way, we make room for novelty. Order is more important than many people think.

It is undeniable that  maintaining an orderly space, whether it is our home or our workplace, is a source of tranquility and happiness. Maintaining order on a daily basis also helps to keep ideas clear, to establish more effective and more practical relationships between our thoughts and our ideas.

desk with computer and smartphone

We don’t mean to say that we have to get rid of everything, let alone these days. This means that it is not positive for us to remain attached to a family garment indefinitely, even if the memories associated with it are positive. We need to move forward and make room for novelty, although that scares us. This is paradoxical, but the reality is that the only thing many people fear is the near future when they are not (and we are) unable to appreciate the present.

Fetish clothes and objects

We all had a piece of clothing that we wore over and over again, until we had no choice but to throw it away  because it was damaged, and, even useless, we showed some resistance to get rid of it. Maybe because we have lived many special moments with him, like going to the concert of our favorite singer, knowing a special person, spending an unforgettable night with friends…

We have also owned or at least heard of Fetish Clothes or Items, that special item / item of clothing that brings us luck on an exam or date. This rabbit’s foot, the four-leaf clover, or a simple keychain given to us by a loved one …

Through all of these experiences, we link our emotions to our memories and to our objects or clothes. These clothes or objects wear out over time, and the moment comes when we have to say goodbye to them, which is sometimes not easy, but necessary, making room for novelty at the same time. To new objects and new clothes, to new memories, in short, to new experiences.

Leave the past behind us

We can, under certain circumstances, feel the force of remembering certain events. These are usually circumstances where we need to take a step back to gain momentum and move forward. On the other hand, and despite a few rare exceptions, it is only  if we are courageous and say goodbye to the past with gratitude that we will make room for new experiences, which will allow us to clarify and sort out our ideas. , to live the present more intensely and to build the future with hope.

For Marie Kondo, by not throwing away certain objects (CDs, household appliances, broken and discolored clothes, etc.),  we are locking ourselves in the past. Indeed, the space we live in should be made for the person we are becoming, not the person we were in the past.

These closet cleanings, but especially of emotions and memories,  are all the more necessary in the grieving process. When we lose a loved one, either because he or she dies, or as a result of a romantic or other breakdown, letting go of their personal belongings helps us cope with the loss.

Of course, each person needs time and we have to respect that. You don’t have to get rid of everything all at once. Indeed,  doing this cleaning suddenly and without being prepared will not help us; on the contrary, it could make the pain worse and “infect” the wound.  We ourselves will be able to detect when we are ready to give up certain possessions of this loved one; we just have to listen to our heart.

stacks of books

The KONMARI method

The Japanese Marie Kondo gives a series of guidelines for maintaining order,  especially in our closets, through her  KONMARI method. Here are some of the most important guidelines that will also allow us to sort our ideas:

  • Keeping all of our  clothes upright is essential to make everything easier to see and identify.
  • The most important thing about the method is  how to put away and get rid of all the things that are not in use Marie  advises us to take the objects one by one in our hands. To determine whether we want them or not, thinking about if they make us happy, when we use them… and if we decide not to keep them, we have to let them go, say goodbye to them with gratitude for them. good times shared.
  • Separating the clothes according to the seasons is not necessary. The best thing is to have everything on hand and get rid of the clothes that we know we won’t be using next season. According to the specialist, after sorting the clothes, we should have less than a third of what we had.
  • Hanging clothes take up a lot more space  than folded ones, and it’s more uncomfortable to see and choose when we go to get dressed. She advises folding everything we can and just hanging up what is needed, like shirts or jackets.
  • When we pile up we are unaware of what we have, the clothes on the bottom are forgotten and those on the bottom are crushed.
  • Storage solutions are not necessary  (lockers, containers, etc.). Although it looks amazing, they tend to make the order difficult.
storage of cupboards

Ultimately, the  net toyage is needed to improve our well-being. Cleaning up our living space means creating space in our lives to open up to new experiences, to unfamiliar experiences, and therefore to leave our comfort zone. Of all these emotions, memories and ideas that are familiar to us and governable, to make room and open up to us in order to live the present and build our future.


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