Thanks To My Friends Who Are Like My Family And Brighten My Days

Thank you to my friends who are like my family and who brighten my days

We can’t choose the music that life is going to play for us, or make that song we love so much resonate again every day.

But  we can lead the dance, decide which partners will be our friends next, and dress our hearts to perform our personal choreography.

Dancing sometimes requires a solo, because it is always good to improve your own steps and find yourself on the floor.

But for some choreographies, we’re going to need the participation of people who feel the chorus the same way we do.

In these cases,  one of the most important decisions is to choose the dance group that will accompany you. 

Together you will feel fatigue, you will overcome bad times, you will gain resistance and, above all, you will learn to never stop dancing.

It is the family, even the one we create, that makes up this group: friends who make the night the moment when we can best distinguish the stars.

Hearts that keep dancing 

Willpower and courage are the two main weapons that make a dancer overcome all obstacles that stand in front of him.

For example, when we tell him that he will never succeed, when he does poorly in certain styles of dance, when there are times when expressing himself with his body seems easier …


Friends are like the courage, will and strength that we lack in our problems. 

They are the ones who will tell us we can do it, who will give us a hand in the most complicated situations where we will not speak, who will understand that we remain silent, and who will speak for us if necessary.

Friends are hearts that push us to keep dancing, when the first signs of fatigue appear,  and when we are tempted to stop.

 It’s these wonderful people that make us prefer a hug to anything else. It’s a gift that turns our falls into masterful dances.

Their laughter is like water in the desert

When I think of my friends, I am always grateful telling myself that they are like real family to me.

Maybe because I associate hell with a place where you feel bad. And it is the laughter of our friends that is able to pull us out of the worst places.

Thanks to them, the colder nights have meaning and value, because they show you what you don’t see and make you face the next day with courage.

Thanks to them, the harshest nights are sweeter or, at least, appear so to us.

When the morning rises, they make spring arrive and make us totally forget about winter.

Sometimes the dancing is slow, dark, very hard, and even sad, but your dance troupe is still there.

She performs the choreography to the end, helps you perform the most complicated stunts and waits for the music to end.

Friends, the “rock” of life

Let’s continue with the metaphor of dance. A dancer must have a perfect ear to follow the rhythm of the music, have full time to make fruitful what he has learned, and have perfect coordination to follow his classmates, at a glance.

For this, friends are the best dancers we can have in our dance school.

There is no better person to listen than them, even if it is all about your silence.

There is no better person than them to guide your pace and be your role model.

There is no better person than them to offer their time to you, the very one that makes friendships grow and strengthens tenderness.


Friends are the  rock ‘n roll  of our lives, that rebellious and at the same time sophisticated spirit that will anchor your feet on the track and only free you to keep dancing.

Ultimately, friends are those people you can thank for turning your nights into tomorrow mornings, and a reason to dance.

“If you don’t have a reason to dance,

find a reason to sing. ” -Melody Carstairs-

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