The 3 Instincts That Never Deceive

The 3 instincts that never deceive

(Charles Darwin)

How did you know it ? “I don’t really know… My instinct”. Do these words speak to you?

Instinct is an inexplicable power of the animal kingdom. However, human beings also act on instinct. He is more or less present, but he is also part of us, lurking in the shadows, waiting to jump on his prey.

Perhaps this is because we are descended from animals and they have left us a legacy of their complex behavior.

Instinct is activated when faced with specific stimuli and situations… without being able to avoid or analyze it!

Ever since we were little, we’ve been told about the survival instinct we all have. Thanks to it, we can react to an attack or a danger.

When something is about to hurt us, the most basic instincts alarm bells ring and the brain’s control turns off. We no longer act rationally and emotionally.

In which category should these actions be placed? Instinct, nothing more. In general, we react quickly and protect ourselves from anything that could disappoint or hurt us.

So instinct is a response that arises from within, without thinking about it, without feeling it.


There is also an important difference between instinct and intuition, as intuition is not observed in everyone (although it may be buried deep down).

Intuition is the ability to understand, recognize or perceive something immediately.

Instinct is not always well regarded in the civilized world. We associate it more with animals, with those who do not understand or who cannot express themselves… But this is not the case!

The instincts you shouldn’t ignore are:

1-  The feeling of danger. You may have a pain in the middle of your chest or a feeling of dread that you do not understand.

Maybe just after this sensation you almost got hit by a car or pushed into the street …

Do you think it’s fate? A stroke of luck ? In fact, it was thanks to your instincts that you were protected.

It is important to pay attention to the signals your body is sending to you. Remember that the subconscious has the capacity to perceive dangers that your conscious mind or that your senses cannot perceive. 


The first impression. “I don’t really feel it this girl”, “Why?”, “I don’t know but there is something bothering me”.

This does not mean that you are a bad person or that you like to cause harm, but that at this precise moment your gut (or your intuition) has sent you a message that you need to listen to.

The first impression also works when you hook up well with someone you’ve only seen a few times.

This process so basic and without explanations is very useful to know who to trust for example. Instinct can therefore be of great use in detecting dangerous people.

3-  The right decision. Every minute we have to make decisions. Some are easier to take, while others take longer.

When you have to choose something that is likely to make a real difference in the course of your life, don’t hesitate to use your instincts.

This advice may seem a little “primitive”, however, it will be valuable to you.

It remains for us to ask ourselves if instinct and intuition are really reliable.

Sometimes they can mislead you, so you have to be careful and know how to fix the error. However, you may also fail if you rely exclusively on the rational.

Studies have found that 90% of the time, relying on irrationality leads to success. You can always experience it on your own and determine the effectiveness of your instincts.

So, what do you think ? Do you accept the challenge?

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