The Law Of The Mirror: What You See In Others Is Your Reflection

The law of the mirror: what you see in others is your reflection

As we build each stage of our personal growth, we over-focus on our interior, when much of what we can learn lies outside or in those we trust.

An infinite number of legends have taught us since ancient times that what we see in others reveals sacred information to us about what we ourselves are.

The studies of personal psychology on this are numerous. They claim that the exterior acts as a mirror for our mind.

A mirror where we see different qualities, characteristics and aspects of our own essence, of our primitive being reflected.

We are talking about the situations that we often experience in our daily lives when we observe something that we do not like in others and we feel a certain rejection, even contempt.

Because it is the law of the mirror, which says that, in a certain way, what does not please us in a particular person exists in us.

Why is this happening to us? Today we are going to share with you the function and origin of this law.

The defect that we perceive is therefore on the outside, and not in ourselves? 

The law of the mirror says that our unconscious, aided by the psychological projection that we are doing at this moment, makes us think that the defect that we perceive in others exists only “out there”, and not in ourselves.

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism by which we attribute to others feelings, thoughts, beliefs, or even personal actions that are unacceptable to us. 


Psychological projection begins to kick in during difficult experiences that involve emotional conflict or when we feel threatened, both inside and out.

When our mind realizes that there is a threat to our physical and emotional integrity, it emits all these qualities (positive or negative) as outward rejection, attributing them to an object or subject outside of ourselves. So, on the surface, we place these threats outside of us.

Projections happen with negative experiences as well as with positive emotions.

Our reality is transcribed unfiltered to the outside world, thus constructing the outer truth with our own personal characteristics.

A characteristic experience of psychological projection occurs when we fall in love and attribute to the loved one characteristics that are only present in us.

We project our own reality onto those around us 

Mirror law is reflected when we claim to “know” other people well when, in fact, we are only projecting our own reality onto them.

When this happens, we superimpose our projected vision of ourselves on the physical image of that person, captured by our senses.

Symbolic-scene-woman-in front-of-a-mirror

Being aware of the fact that we are projecting onto others allows us to discover what we really are like.

Allowing ourselves to be aware of this mental mechanism helps us to regain control over what is happening in our interior so that we can empower ourselves and work on the aspects that we want to keep or transform at home.

It is essential to remember that we take for reality everything that happens through our senses, but we often do not recognize the part of interpretation or subjectivity that is there.

We live in accordance with this way of perceiving reality, creating negative distortions that cause discomfort when we have relationships with those around us, and even with ourselves.

If we want to use this natural resource -project- in a healthy and full way to obtain a healthy inner development, meditation will help us to draw this famous border, facilitating a different learning of the way of seeing things. 

Always remembering the following premise: “observing says more about the observer than what one observes”.

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