The Theory Of Waves On Water And Stone

The theory of waves on water and stone

You might be one of those people who can’t stand injustice and thinks there is nothing they can do. If so, we want you to know the theory of waves on water and stone. You will  observe, after reading this article , the enormous power you have to make a difference.

It is important to add, however, that   the only way to improve things is to keep in mind that it all starts with yourself. You cannot offer your zest for life to someone you love if you are not happy. You cannot love others if you do not love yourself.

man facing two paths

Stop to reflect and speak intimately with yourself. Listen to yourself. Search deep inside for your true feelings. Ask yourself what you are and how you would like to be in reality. Look the problems in the face. Face them and fix whatever is broken in your life.

Once you’ve established a dialogue with yourself,  reflect on who you are, what you want to do, and what your goals are. Remove any masks you’ve built to please. Get rid of your clothes of false modesty and show yourself as you are. But don’t stop there. Banish anything that you don’t like, that isn’t good, and that hurts you. And start becoming the human being you’ve always dreamed of.

Cast the first stone

After you’ve gotten in touch with yourself and taken the first steps to transform your life,  get ready to lay the foundation stone. The one that will produce a chain wave effect. What does that mean ? That everything you do will have an effect on others and on what is around you.

If you make a commitment not to complain because you believe that complaining is unnecessary, or because you are determined to show more affection, or just be yourself, you  will gradually discover how much your behavior covers. and that you didn’t notice before. 

It is important to consider everything with calm and philosophy in these first moments. Indeed, just like when you throw a stone, the first waves have a minimum size. The effects of your new attitude will also be minimal at first. However, you will see how they grow in size and presence as time goes on and you try with others.

Let go of the waves

So  once you’ve thrown the first stone on the water, let the ripples go and take hold. As we said, the first will be minimal and short-lived. They will, however, allow others to change.

The next step is to see yourself as a happy person in the center of the water, at that point where every stone falls. You are the starting point of great happiness. A courageous person who has chosen a difficult path but filled with emotions and love.

waves on water

Think about the waves you set off every time you fall or brush against the water. The love you have within you extends both on the surface and in the inner part of the lake, the sea or even the puddle where the stones are falling.

Each of these waves is your passion for life, your courage to make your dreams come true,  your love for others, your affection and kindness, your need to help those who have less… You thus convey it all in a way. or another to other people, who feel the effects.

The effect of waves

You will see how they follow the contours of the people around you if you are constant in provoking the waves on the water. You will gradually observe the effect that you produce in them. You may give them hope, joy, confidence, or the desire to live. It all depends on the link and the connection.

You will also be able to see that  the people you have influenced now throw their stones and generate a trail of waves  that reach their loved ones.

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