To Be Funny Is Not To Be Afraid To Think

What is humor and what does it offend? Humor emphasizes the ridiculous side of things and helps show that reality can be seen in so many ways. Offense is a means used by the issuer with the intention of affecting or offending another individual. What constitutes and does not constitute an insult is difficult to determine precisely, since such a question is subject to social and cultural conventionalism.
To be funny is not to be afraid to think

In these times when we question what humor is and what it offends, it is necessary to remember that humor is there to show us that there is another perspective ; that the most absolute seriousness sometimes counts an alternative, and that this alternative is good.

The humorous genius emphasizes the ridiculous side of things and helps to show that one can see reality in various ways. Offense is a means used by the issuer with the intention of affecting or offending another individual. What constitutes and does not constitute an insult is difficult to determine precisely, since such a question is subject to social and cultural conventionalism.

The comedian has always been, always is and always will be there to remind us that, deep inside this deadly and silly creature that we sometimes are, there is also something lovable and light, more worthy of compassion and of love. love than its opposite. We could compare a person with no sense of humor to a car without shock absorbers: all the stones in the road shake it.

Humor represented by a smile in a cup of coffee

The importance of humor when facing adversity

The human being is a being in conflict by nature, since at various times he experiences fears, anxiety or fear in the face of the circumstances of life. Studies carried out on this subject have indicated that in situations of tranquility as well as in those of great tension, crisis or suffering, people have the possibility of forging their own resources to adapt and to manifest, accordingly. conflict, forces they never imagined they had before. This possibility is what many authors have referred to as resilience.

People who use humor as a coping strategy say they face fewer health problems than those who don’t. Humor is an innate skill that can be enhanced.

According to the definitions that are given of humor, it does not appear only in situations of joy, but also in tragic or adverse cases. When there is a contradiction between a desired situation and an unwanted one, the person comes into conflict.

This can be solved, in part, through different creative resources of humor. Thus, one frees oneself from dangerous emotions and one conveys ideas filled with hope. This is proof that imagination can be more important than knowledge.

Humor is good for the brain

Does dogma reside where the sense of humor is absent?

Humor helps make reality bearable. The imagination consoles the human being for what he is not; the sense of humor consoles him for what he is. If there is one thing that humor succeeds in doing, it is to move away from the routine to guide us to places that we would never have suspected existed.

Lucidity teaches us that anything that is not tragic is laughable. You could say that the reality of the humor lies in this sentence: the situation is hopeless, but not serious. We all know how to cry from birth, but we need to learn to laugh.

Sigmund Freud defined humor as the highest manifestation of an individual’s coping mechanisms. Not only is this a fun question, but also a way to get to know reality. Humor and irony make us discover many things in the world; without them, they would remain hidden.

As a tribute to humor, it is necessary to remember the people who died on its behalf. The attack on Charlie Hebdo is one of the most recent memories illustrating intolerance linked to lack of humor. 12 journalists died murdered for trying to make humor.

We never stop living in situations that go beyond all reasoning and all logic. More and more comedians are receiving serious threats related to their profession. Faced with this, the memory of the functions that humor fulfills and of the need to build a healthy society is born.


What are the benefits of humor for our mind?
Our thoughts Our thoughts

What are the benefits of humor? Have you ever asked yourself this question? In this article, you will find the answer to this question.

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