What A Great Gift To Devote Time To Someone

What a great gift to devote time to someone

It is important to appreciate the fact that others dedicate time to us, because it is something that they will never catch up with. By doing this, they tell us that they love us, that they value us and that they value our company.

However, of course we need to understand the difference between someone who devotes some of their free time to us and someone who makes free time to be with us. We cannot give it the same value, even when both situations are something that touches us and that we have to salute.

It is really a great gesture, when someone is overworked on a daily basis, to put aside their obligations a little to spend time with us or to check in with us. These are moments that must be cherished because they are shared with people who bring us their affection and the desire to speak the language of emotional accompaniment.

How much is an hour of your time worth?

It was already dark, and yet the little boy was trying very hard to stay awake. The reason was worth it: he was waiting for his father. Her mischievous eyes closed heavily when the door finally opened.

Son:  “Daddy, can I ask you a question?”
Father:  “Yes, of course. Which ?”
Son: “Daddy, how much do you make in an hour?” – he said, his eyes wide open.

Her father, both embarrassed and tired, replied curtly.

Father: “It’s none of your business. Why do you ask me this ?”
Son: “I just want to know. Please tell me how much do you earn in an hour? ”

Father: “€ 100 per hour,” he replied, annoyed.
Son: “Oh” – The boy lowered his head sadly…  “Dad, can I ask you to lend me € 50?”

The father got angry: “If you just want to know what I earn for asking me to lend you money to buy you a stupid toy, then stay in your room, don’t go out and ask yourself why you are. are also selfish. I work hard every day, but it’s not to have to put up with this childish behavior. ”

The child silently closed the door to his room. The man sat down and started to get even more angry at the boy’s question. How dare he ask such questions just to get more money?

About an hour later, the man calmed down and started to think: maybe he really needed to buy something with that 50 €. After all, the boy didn’t often ask for money. It was then that he approached the boy’s room and opened the door.

Father: “Are you sleeping, son?”
Son: “No, daddy, I’m awake.”
Father: “I thought about it and maybe I was too hard on you. I’ve had a long day and it’s on you that I vented my frustration. Here is the 50 € you asked me… ”- the boy straightened up, smiling.
Son: “Oh! Thank you dad !” – he whispered while sliding his hand under his pillow to take out several pieces.

He then stood up and grabbed a few crumpled coins and bills. The man saw that the boy already had money and started to get angry again. The boy slowly counted his money and then looked at his father.

Father: “Why do you still want money, since you already have a lot of it?”
Son: “Because I didn’t have enough, but now, yes” – he replied quite happy.
“Dad, I now have € 100. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would love to have dinner with you. ”

The father sat down, upset. He hugged the child and asked his forgiveness.

The best emotional gift: investing our time

We cannot forget that our best investment will always be the time we spend with our family and friends. Unfortunately, we only realize it when it is too late and we have lost the opportunity to devote that value to the people around us.

If we die tomorrow, there will soon be someone to replace us at our post. However, the family and friends we leave behind will simply be able to contemplate the emotional void that our disappearance will have created. This is why there is no time more precious than the time we spend with our loved ones.

Surround yourself with people who appreciate you, who hug you without lying to you and feel you without touching you. Devote time to the people who deserve it and who make you feel good. When someone loves you, sooner or later they show it. Remember to put stress and obligations aside and deal with these people as if it was the last day.


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