What Do Smart People Do When They Are Not Accepted?

What do smart people do when they are not accepted?

It would be great to be surrounded by tolerant and humble people who recognize intellectual superiority in others, but the reality is quite different.

If there is one common characteristic that defines mediocre people, it is their ability to oust and humiliate others because they feel superior, as if humiliating makes them smarter.

On the other hand, let’s be honest: being smart in a mediocre environment is a misfortune like any other.

But if you are as smart as you think you are, you won’t be trying to show that you are above others. Your attitude to this circumstance says a lot about you.

Beyond political correctness, surviving mediocrity is about accepting yourself and understanding that you don’t have to provoke someone to be smart.

There is also no question of fooling around to be accepted by the average person, although in some situations this can be an effective way to go unnoticed and not suffer the anger of those who feel threatened by you.

In fact, if you are truly an intelligent person, you will be able to take advantage of the circumstances without offending or feeling offended.

Smart people know how to accept that they are not going to please everyone

No one is a post that everyone likes. Being smart doesn’t make you pleasant, indispensable, or kind.

Smart people don’t fall into the trap of thinking they’re better people or someone worth knowing.

Your ideas, your aspirations or your dreams, your knowledge or your values ​​can offend a lot of people.

It can make you very competitive and show off the inferiority of others, but it doesn’t mean you have to change at all costs.


Smart people recognize and accept that not everyone is going to please them, and as a result, they don’t take offense and don’t try to defend themselves against those who don’t understand them.

In addition, they accept that these kinds of people they don’t like are not bad bad people, but that they are different.

Smart people ignore or dismiss those who are not to their liking

Accepting that there are people we don’t like does not mean integrating them into our world.

Smart people know how to spot those people who don’t accept them and decide who they have relationships with and who they don’t.

Being smart doesn’t mean putting up with anything that rejects us.

But, as they say, “courtesy does not take away courage”. So, intelligent people treat everyone with courtesy, regardless of their feelings towards those people and their unpleasant or offensive way of behaving.

In this way, it is easier to avoid future confrontations.

Sometimes this courteous treatment can involve swallowing snakes, or even fooling around.

Basically, this way of acting is very intelligent and can prevent unpleasant situations that lead to nothing. It can also be a real intellectual challenge and emotional control.

Smart people focus on themselves

To cover up incompetence or try to appear smarter than you are, some people focus their energies on annoying and humiliating people who seem smarter.

It is very frustrating, but it is unique to intelligent people to learn to deal with the frustration that this type of attitude generates.

To do this, instead of focusing on the irritation these people cause and defending themselves from public offense, intelligent people focus on themselves, on who they are, and on their own values.

It is not a question of defending oneself against others but against oneself.

Smart-thinking woman

Moreover, intelligent people try to find out what are the factors that trigger the attitude of non-acceptance of others so as not to provoke them.

In this way, it is possible to foresee the situation and to soften it, and even to change the reactions.

Smart people know it’s easier to change their perception, attitude, and behavior than asking someone to behave differently.

Smart people stop and take a deep breath in the face of inconvenience

Instead of reacting violently to an extreme circumstance when they are not accepted, intelligent people are able to stop and breathe so as not to get carried away by anger or negativity.

In this way, intelligent people see that the attitude of others does not hurt them.

Pausing and breathing deeply helps control the adrenaline rush that causes certain situations, which makes it easier to maintain a conversation.

Breathing deeply will help you avoid overreacting and keep an open mind and a positive, light attitude.

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