What Is Conscious Leadership?

What is Conscious Leadership?

Conscious leadership is based on the figure of a leader who knows how to identify and calibrate all aspects of the work environment and, at the same time, remain attentive to all these points. This idea is opposed to the classic figure of the unscrupulous entrepreneur, whose interests are limited to his bank account and his economic profits.

This figure of the leader, not far removed from reality in some cases, has pushed companies to switch to an alternative point of view. According to the new philosophy of many companies, we must avoid the collapse of our natural and human systems which are in grave danger due to the prevailing irresponsibility of our society.

What exactly is conscious leadership?

Being the head of an organization is not an easy task. It takes a lot of skill, time and a good deal of energy. It is for this reason that those in this position often fall into the trap of focusing on achieving results, putting aside their balance, personal life and the rest of the needs of their team and organization. .

leader and team

A conscious leader is one who maintains his focus on all of these aspects at the same time, recognizing the importance of each of them. And this goes for the development of the activities of the organization as well as for its personal growth and that of its collaborators.

This idea makes  conscious leadership strongly related to the concept of mindfulness,  which is defined as the ability of a person to pay full attention to all of the elements that make up the present moment. This skill is particularly important at the level of social responsibilities because it allows leaders to pay attention to changes in their environment to find the best way to interact with it.

However, conscious leadership goes beyond knowing the environment and recognizing one’s peers. It is a method of seeing yourself. According to this philosophy,  no leader can be legitimately concerned with the well-being of his team without being fully aware of his own needs and without seeking his own sense of well-being. Of course, this does not mean that a conscious leader strives for his own interests above all else. It just means that in order to be truly sensitive to human needs, he must be able to identify with them.

7 characteristics of conscious leadership

To be able to get a clearer idea of ​​what conscious leadership is and how it can be applied on a daily basis in the work environment,  here are the main characteristics that a conscious leader should exhibit:

1. Work and listen

Conscious leaders talk to their team. They listen to it as a group, in meetings, and individually, so that they  can know more deeply what each individual wants to say and show. They can thus know the qualities of each person and see what they can bring.

2. Lead by example

Giving orders is a very simple task but if you really want your team to follow you you need to be aware that you are the one who sets the example and gets things done first.

3. Promote collaboration between co-workers

Competitiveness is not a negative variant when it adds to the group’s performance, does not create conflicts and does not deteriorate communication. In short, when it is there to better achieve individual and common objectives. It is important to know how to  manage conflicts that arise between the members of the group. The majority are due to the aspirations of each member.

female leader

4. Observe the environment carefully

For a leader, it is important to be in action. However,  a conscious leader also has the ability to take a step back and observe what is happening around him, from different angles. Very often, this will allow him to see other options, reconsider positions and bring new ideas.

5. Be clear in decision-making

It is fundamental that the team finds security in the resolutions taken. This is one of the great characteristics of the conscious leader. This will allow him not to create doubts about the objectives that the work team is pursuing.

6. Be assertive

A conscious leader must be assertive. He should express his thoughts and wishes in a simple and honest way. Each team member should know what to expect. It will help them gain confidence in their professional life.

7. Be aware of your own mistakes

This is perhaps one of the most difficult points. However, it is essential for us to be able to speak of conscious leadership. It is important that the leader is a guide,  a referent, but also a human being. Others should be aware of this facet.

As we have seen,  conscious leadership unites many of the characteristics demanded by companies. These leaders are very important because they are able to meet the objectives set by taking care of the relational health of the group and by using the present and past obstacles as an opportunity so that the whole does not forget the shared goal.


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Our thoughts Our thoughts

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