Why Should We Drink A Glass Of Lukewarm Water With Lemon In The Morning?

Why should we drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning?

Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning is a healthy habit. So, and although it is not a miraculous formula, this simple natural remedy taken on an empty stomach is beneficial for our body and our brain. Indeed, it hydrates us, brings us potassium. It is also a source of vitamin C and we can also benefit from its alkaline properties.

There is a lot of literature on the benefits of drinking  water with lemon. We could even say that few natural propositions are so well known and have such a tradition. Some very popular proverbs even remind us, generation after generation, that ‘ with  garlic and lemon we will not need an injection’.  Or, that “the one who wants to live long and without pain, the orange evening and the lemon juice morning”. 

It will strengthen our immune system and be a good cardiovascular and neuroprotective agent. In essence, this simple proposition can be presented as a healthy habit to include in our daily routine. It is worth it.

Drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning

Benefits of drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning for the brain

Citrus fruits, especially lemon, are beneficial for brain health. The key is found in flavonoids, such as hesperidin. This type of element is therefore very suitable, in particular for protecting good blood circulation. It is also interesting to know another aspect. As several studies such as the one carried out at the “Nutrition Research Center” at Boston University have shown,  these natural substances reduce the likelihood of suffering from stroke. 

In addition, we must not forget that lemon is rich in potassium. This mineral takes care and promotes the activity of nerve cells. Therefore, we will improve many of our cognitive processes  if we dare to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning.

Prepare the body for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients

It may be difficult for us at first. This is because we usually want coffee, something sweet, milk, toast, etc. when we wake up. Thinking of drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning will cause us some discomfort. However, we will see the benefits of this habit in the long run. So that little effort will be worth it.

Indeed, our digestion will improve. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon on an empty stomach is beneficial. Provided that we do not suffer from ulcers or other health problems. This habit relaxes the stomach muscles, facilitates intestinal motility and purges toxins. 

In addition, this habit promotes a cleaner indoor climate, ready to better absorb nutrients. We will have a better hydrated and alkaline digestive system. In other words, able to receive the rest of the breakfast in a healthier way.

Drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning to fight infections

A stronger immune system

We mentioned this in the introduction. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning does not cure illnesses. This will, however, strengthen our immune system. We will have better defenses to face any viral or infectious agent. Moreover, although this amount of lemon juice combined with water is not very high,  we can accumulate their nutrients day after day.

Lemon is not only rich in vitamin C.  Its pulp and skin contain a treasure of B vitamins, as well as multiple minerals. It is therefore worth a little morning effort. Our defenses will thank us.

Reduces stress

This data is interesting. Some research has shown that  vitamin C  helps reduce stress. Pharmacies sell many food supplements rich in this type of vitamin. Many people  consume it without knowing that it is doing more than strengthening their defenses.

Vitamin C lowers cortisol in the blood. It helps us to be more relaxed and focused. Therefore, drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon is a gift for the brain. It doesn’t cost anything, it’s simple and the results are noticeable.

Drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon in the morning to fight against cortisol

To conclude. We still have to emphasize one aspect. Each person has a tolerance to this citrus fruit. The ideal is to combine a glass of lukewarm water with the juice obtained from half a lemon. We must also try to buy organic. We make sure that they contain all their vitamins, all their properties.

So, let’s not hesitate to reduce the dose if we notice that this amount is not suitable for us. A simple squeezed slice can sometimes be enough to help and benefit us. The important thing is to be constant. To always maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

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