You Don’t Owe Any Explanations To Anyone, Be Accountable To Yourself

You don't owe any explanations to anyone, be accountable to yourself

Sometimes we behave like a real judge to ourselves ; we subject our mind to perpetual analysis and constant judgment, asking it for explanations.

Not content with that, in the majority of cases, we give others the opportunity to evaluate us and judge us, at the risk that their opinions or judgments are totally unwelcome.

There is no point in looking elsewhere than within yourself for explanations and answers that only you can give, in an intimate and calm manner.

People who care about what other people say don’t know what they really need.

Pure souls and busy minds do not have the time or inclination to interfere in the lives of others, and self-confident people do not allow anyone to interfere in their lives.

You have to be accountable, yes, but not in an inquisitive way; rather in an open and frank manner.

Only we know the reasons for each of our actions, our decisions, our joys and our sorrows, which depend on our subjectivity, our intimacy, on those things that only we know about ourselves.

Our life, our own explanations

Sometimes, we say to ourselves that the others, in our place, would have acted in the same way as us; however, in reality, such a reflection lacks foundation and importance.

Comparison with others is useless if basically what we are looking for is inner peace and not social approval.


It is the search for peace with oneself that leads to emotional development, not the approval of others, being as changeable and subjective as our own.


We must try to make our heart help our memory to integrate emotionally what we have been through throughout our lives.

Avoid finding consistency in all our actions and putting a label on it to choose to discover if our actions reveal the search for a reason, a feeling, a desire or a will to avoid a failure, criticism or suffering.

Sometimes our story presents multiple interpretations and puzzles, but always has a common denominator: overcoming our fears, swimming against our traumas, seeking love, avoiding loneliness.

If life is not always consistent and fair, then why is it so demanded of explanation?

The others are not either, which is why it only earns us our own reflection. Explanations have to come to me if they allow me to explain something that has always bothered me.

My own questions and my own answers.

To be accountable to oneself is not to punish oneself, it is to reconcile with oneself

There is something that almost all of us harbor: the memory of a good time, the trace of a success that seems impossible, a series of exciting and meaningful days.

Even though there are many days that take away all illusions and hope, we all have good memories and good actions that make us feel proud of ourselves.

It is almost impossible that all of a person’s experience has been uniquely negative. Sometimes a simple stroll on the beach allowing you to feel free is worth the meaning of a lifetime. A passion lived in the past contains the most valuable reason for wanting to improve, progress and evolve.

To reconcile with oneself is to whisper things into one’s ear quietly and in secret, without others knowing it or being able to listen to you.

To be reconciled with oneself is to know how to accept novelty, and the birth of good things in us.

Because when you come into the world, you don’t know all that; we learn it over the course of our lives. Because knowing how to fly means putting your feet on the ground, and knowing how to move your wings to soar high in the sky.

Because no one knows what you want or guesses what you need.

Reconciling with yourself is looking at a photo from the past, where you didn’t yet know what other people expected, but guess what you wanted for yourself.


Without filters or disillusions, to be reconciled with oneself, it is to know that what your child’s gaze deeply desired, these are your values ​​of today for which you will fight again and always.


Sometimes the disappointments caused by what we haven’t been in the past are the driving force that guides us and allows us to be what we always wanted to be: someone brave who strives for what he loves. , who takes risks without being afraid of losing and who is sure that what he bets is not worth less than what he wants.

If the opinions of others don’t define you, then don’t value them more than you value your own actions.

There is no age to start from zero, and neither is there a number of regulatory falls that prevent us from moving forward.

Don’t be so accountable to others and give more to what you are passionate about. Your life and the lives of those who love you will thank you eventually.

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