You Might Be In Your Comfort Zone

You might be in your comfort zone

We all like to feel secure in our existence. We like to have stability and to feel that everything is in our control.

Sometimes we overvalue this situation for fear of change, and we miss out on a myriad of opportunities, chances and experiences. Surely we are in our comfort zone at this point.

These experiences that we are afraid to capture would surely allow us to be more sure of ourselves, and to have more satisfaction in our life. But then, why don’t we grab them?

Each time we accomplish new goals, no matter how small, our self-esteem is strengthened. We learn new things, we mature and we flourish.

It’s exactly the same as being next to a swimming pool where all our friends are having fun, but we don’t dare join them because the water seems too cold to us.

Finally, someone pushes us into it and we realize that it is actually very good, and that we almost missed out on a good time. This is why we need to get out of our comfort zone.


How do you know if you are in your comfort zone?

You’re afraid to set new goals for yourself

When something makes you want, but you don’t do it out of simple fear, you deprive yourself of your desires to stay in the tranquility in which you are comfortably installed, that is to say in your comfort zone.

You want to progress in a field, but you are holding back

You would like to travel alone, you have dreamed of it for years, or you want to talk to someone you like very much, but the fear and the feeling of security that you do not want to leave paralyze you. This makes it clear that you are in your comfort zone.

Your body is showing concordant signs

When you try to step out of your comfort zone, and do something new that you like and attracts you, your hands sweat, your stomach tightens, and you feel dizzy.

The body also alerts us to changes going on in our mind, and it can sometimes be so selfish that it completely paralyzes itself.

You feel bad about yourself

When you don’t get into what you love, you feel bad about yourself. You feel guilty for not having been able to meet your goals.

Guilt is associated with the past, and sometimes with victimization. It can be an indicator that we are in our comfort zone.

How to get out of your comfort zone?

1. Set new goals

As insignificant as they are, set new goals for yourself.

Are you afraid of traveling because you don’t want to get sick, or have never been on a plane?

So take a little trip to start, then make the next one bigger, and so on. In no time, you will have cleared the obstacles that have held you back until now.

2. Take more risks

We all have to take precautions in our existence, but life is also meant to be lived, not just to be thought of.

Take the risk that the person you like so much will say “no” to you, try to take this job that you have been offered but for which you do not think you have the stature.

Even if you fail in these new quests, you should not view your situation as a failure. The simple fact of trying is a victory.

You will come out stronger, and you will now be better able to set new goals for yourself.

You will be able to face adversity again, without fear. Every step we take is a victory.


3. Learn about emotional intelligence

We are often locked into dated and outdated thoughts. Reading allows us to open our minds, especially if you choose works that speak of emotional intelligence.

You start to see a lot of things from a different perspective. You might start to not give too much importance to topics that don’t have it, and you will surely feel richer on the inside.

4. Learn from people with high emotional intelligence

Many people have innate emotional intelligence. Spending a few moments with them will make you feel like new. Keep in touch with them, and soak up their experiences.

5. Don’t rush, take it step by step

Take your time. There is no rush, everyone must move forward in life at their own pace. The most important thing is to move forward when you want, where you want.

Keep in mind that while stability can give you some peace of mind, there will always come a time when you realize that it limits you and prevents you from moving forward.

Take the risk of trying to make your dreams come true, and finally get out of your comfort zone!

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